We Are Not A Serious People.

in BDCommunity9 months ago

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We are not serious as a nation. Nigeria has become a joke to other nations. That's not surprising because we have become a joke to ourselves. We fight over needless issues while leaving the important issues unattended to. You would expect some level of seriousness from everyone seeing the hardships that plagued every corner of the nation but no, we attack each other over what doesn't put food on the table.

The government knows this and they easily create distraction for the citizens while they plot the next economic downturn. We are funny, lively, hardworking and happy citizens but certainly not the serious citizens that can take matters of economic improvement into their own hands.

Oh I weep...I weep for this country because you might keep thinking there is hope for Nigeria because certain things are still going well but imagine having a jar of oil that you keep taking from...even when the oil is so low or out, once you turn it upside, it can still give you a bit you need for the time being despite being so low.

Just when we are about fed up and planned on taking matters into our own hands by asking for accountability and voting right, have you ever wondered why distractions over baseless things happen right about the same time? It's all politics and this is why those in governance can never take us serious. They loot us and rub it on our faces because they know that before we think of seeking accountability, they know the next distractions to throw our way to knock us off our stride. Quite shameful.

We keep asking for help when in fact we are not helping ourselves. We keep hoping things will be better when we are not making the needed effort to put things right. We keep doing the same thing over and ove again yet expecting things to magically turn out great...is that not foolishness?

When will this madness end? When are we truly going to be free, both physically, socially, economically, financially, politically and mentally? Mental slavery is the worst and these set of leaders got us good!!!

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today; doctor's order.


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Duly noted. I am sorry about that.

It's okay.

My Dear, its not like we are a joke i know it sounds and look like it, but men being care free in this country is the only way not to die of depression, swers....

Imagine what happened at the just concluded election, the cash crunch policy, e-naira, and all the drama that happened before and after the election, we all know who was fit to recreate a downtrodden messed up economy left by the former administration, despite all effort to vote in the right person in, it was a twarted effort, so my dear its not worth being serious about

Just live yourlife do the best you can to survive and if you are lucky to jakpa ...thank God

It is really annoying. All efforts were wasted and power play was in play as usual as has been the bane of Nigerian politics.

any ways lets look on the bright side maybe there could be hope somewhere


We want growth and development in the nation but we are not ready to give what it takes to have it.

I once told someone that everything happening in this nation is scripted and the citizens are quite predictable. The government knows how to create misunderstanding among us with irrelevant things and we keep falling for their plan.

Have you seen what's been happening in Kenya in the last few weeks? If it was here, the government would have created a distraction and that's all. Until we put our differences away, Nigeria ain't going anywhere.

You are right...the citizens are predictable. They know what distraction to give and we go with it and forget everything. It's sickening.

Nigeria we hail thee
Leave us alone😅😅😅

Hahahaha Nigeria will be alright las las.

Distractions are precisely that, distractions well used by those in power, in the country where I currently live corruption is the order of the day, we all know it but few mention it.
May GOD help us friend

Corruption is everywhere and it's really tiring these days now.

Sending you an Ecency vote

Yaaaaay. Thank you very much.

One of the things I have really come to discover about our nation is that actually we desire a whole lot of things but we are not taking steps to achieving them and at the end of the day we find our nations at a particular point it is actually which should not be so actually

We are not taking any step at all. We are too relaxed and comfortable with the oppression.

An ignorant people are blind instruments of their own destruction and it is a complete pity that some nations are looking at other things and not at what is really important, let's hope that Nigeria will soon have a happy ending ♥

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