Life's Perspectives.

in BDCommunity9 months ago


It's hard to make unhappy people happy
With every action they take, they advertise their pain
They try to cling on to the tiniest of thing but it's foolish to grab the rain
They try to make others as unhappy as they are but to what gain?
Beware of those who preach one thing but act the opposite way
Subtily forcing everyone to hold on to their view at any day
With great power comes great responsibility but very few can manage it
Power intoxicated people want attention and would do anything to get it
What more can you do than to ignore them and let them wallow more?
It's foolish to attack what you don't understand without giving hears
But those who attack you are the ones living in fears
I understand a child who is scared of the dark nights
But what do we say to a full grown adult who is afraid of light?
Misery loves company and a lot of people pained people would do anything to drag
Your experience determines your reality
But some people are so knocked away from sanity
Everyone always have a choice to be who they choose to be
Be full of positive energy that you keep bad energy at bay
Some people cannot be helped and sadly so but what can you do?
Hope for the best and wish them the best even if it makes no difference
Guide and guard your mental space
Because their rules changes based on those they are associated with
What they attack is okay to be left when someone they roll with does it
It's a clear indication that some people know what they are doing
They just advertise their pain and bias in full glare despite their shame
Focus on what you can do and move on...
Life is for everyone and we don't get to live forever
You can be seated next to a broken person and you wouldn't know it
Everyone is fighting a battle not everyone understands
Focus on your battle...your fight and leave explanations for those who can never understand

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today; doctor's order.


This is deep and you have made a very valid point. There are different perspectives to life truly and one of things I have learned while traveling through this temporary place we call home is never to be too rigid with life.

I believe holding on to pain is a choice for whoever chooses to but transfering the pain is a cruel act. It is very important that we are fair with how we treat people and most importantly, harboring pain doesn't bring healing but love does if we allow it to occupy our hearts.

Some people are too rigid with life. They try to control everything, impose themselves where they are not needed all because they are cry babies that desperately want attention. Maybe they lacked the attention in childhood but what you lack should keep you more humble and not proud. Some people as he said are irredeemable.

You couldn't put it in a better way than this. Absolutely spot on. Most people can't allow their heart to heal and they are who they are because they feel controlling everything can fuel their ego but it doesn't translate to happiness and being human.

Allow your heart to heal and I love what you said because you made us understand it's a choice and I also believe it. Allow that heart to heal and you won't be so embittered with everyone.

Don't be too rigid. That's the key. Even those who form rigid...they play double standards and that's why you know they have hidden agenda and they are just messed up.

Holding on to pain and being who you are is a choice as you have rightly said. Transfering your pain to make others be like you is even more inhumane. You might be old but that doesn't make you wise. Some people are advanced in age but far from being reasonable...always acting on impulse rather than understand things.

Being focused on ourselves, trying to surround ourselves with positive people, and people who generate good things in us, so that we can learn and share knowledge is the ideal. I don't like negative people, I generally stay away from those people.
A hug

Beautiful as always with important messages interwoven in the rhymes.

Everyone always have a choice to be who they choose to be

This in itself is great power, having the knowledge that we have power to be who or what we want. Knowing that the choices we make can play a very important role in what we become and it's almost entirely up to us.

Life is about choice and we are responsible for our happiness. A little bit of humanity doesn't and shouldn't hurt but most people think it makes them less.

Very great post usually there are many perspectives on life but we can't improve someone who doesn't want to be helped or just keeps doing their own thing, there are people who lament for any little thing that happens to them or want to generate a gossip so to speak, I always look for ways to stay away from them, treat people equally and not get infected with those energies that don't do us good, great post my friend ♥

Most people avoid them like plague and rightly so. Treat people with love and respect but the sad reality is, some people don't mind their business. They are interested in what others are doing yet overlook what those in their circle are doing. Double standards.

Here in Venezuela we call them bipolar, they are double faced so to speak, it is as Jesus himself says, they are judging others when in reality they have a beam in their eye, we must be authentic with everyone, if you are good in the street you must also be good in the street, do not seek the approval of people but that of God and always do the right thing, do good without looking at who ♥

Honestly, I know this country isn’t at the best state now but it annoys me when I see people lament all the time
Why not make something out of nothing?
I don’t like to move close to people who always express pains. It has a way of getting me annoyed

Pained people always want others to feel pained too and when you don't look at their side, they get angry even more hahaha.

It is a fact that people who are worried in their life because they are working hard and not getting success, it is not easy to make them happy. He was working hard for a long time but was not succeeding, even after completing his studies he was not getting a job, so he is still in a lot of trouble.

Unhappy and sometimes wicked people truly advertise their pain. They are miserable and they want everyone to be miserable like they are. They try to find joy by masking going hunting, getting a girlfriend and trying to act like they are doing good but they are horrible to be honest. Nothing can give them fulfilment unless they change their ways. You can't cause people sorrow and be happy. Your sorrow awaits you ahead too.

A good piece this one. I like it.

Brilliant as usual. They mask a lot of their pains by engaging in activities just to convince themselves that they are not as people thought they are but they know the truth inside.

Thank you. I am always happy to share my 2 cents and I am glad you enjoyed it and it resonates with you as well. Happy weekend.