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RE: Weekend Fun

in BDCommunity3 years ago

You're so funny, I love it!

Yes, I mean that, for seven weeks straight, I have written at least one post a day without a break. I have a badge to show for it. I thought I was over with badges and celebrations, but no it seems I still want to show off. LOL

Wow, I have to say these are lovely! The beads are such a good choice and the way you've put them together, it creates a whole scene, like a painting. I'm so happy to see you do this, play around and have fun. 😃

@dandays, you have to see these!


Haha thatwas inspired by you.. I am going to find the right way to light and a wall to have the reflections on and play around a bit more.. maybe with other things as well.
I have one more surprise for you @nineclaws, its coming soon, has to do with lighting.
Yip I am a show off.. I was waiting for seven weeks to be over.. maybe this week I might take a break for one day.. maybe not.

Wasn't I just acknowledging your consistency on a different post a few hours ago?

I didn't see that.

LOL you know what I had just finished writing this just then and putting the images together... I laughed as I read your comment.. let me let you in to a secret on some days I had written two or even three posts.
Hehe.. I know you'd want to throw up now 🤣 @dandays

Thank you, I really like to try to inspire people to create in all kinds of ways.

That's a great idea, using a wall. I've only done this outside with the sunlight so far. If you have a lamp that you can raise up and also one that is fairly strong light, that would work well.

Maybe something to suspend objects from or a shelve you could set them on against the wall. If you have a glass shelf, that could also be interesting. Tossing out thoughts, lol.

I don't know how you lasted seven weeks. I've been able to get up to two posts/week. I am trying to go past that. Even so, I'd never be able to do one every day, so I'm impressed.

Whoa whoa.. love all those ideas. I am using another phone to light these up. I am going to see how each of these work.. its going to be so much fun.
LOL I love writing so I just write. Nah, I am sure you can do even better if you put your mind to it :D

Hahaha! I get carried away with these things. That's really good effects with a phone light. I can't wait to see what you come up with next.
Writing is definitely your thing. I'm working on a couple posts right now, so I'm on that road. 😁

Can't wait to read them. I will check first thing in the morning tomorrow. :) under performance pressure.....LOL

No pressure, cool, do it at your pace.

His. His. As in twice twice.

Hiss, hiss, as in two snakes? I didn't know you were a part of the reptile clan.

Uh huh. You know...

I know....................?
Ohhhhh, you mean I know!

What are you hissin about? STOP upvoting you've done enough for a couple of weeks lol.

LOL do you know what @dandays is hissing about?

You called her his. Twice. :wink:

Dang did I get the gender all mixed up? Sheesh 😊😊

It's only funny cuz she and I were just talking about how it happens to both of us quite regularly.

Do you get mistaken for a girl? Oh that's bad what about you macho man image LOL