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RE: The Weekly Turni- Issue 71

in BDCommunity3 years ago

Glad to hear that you got someone like you.
Yeah, it's hard to start but once we get someone off our comfort then it's hard to stop engaging with them.

How do you see a virtual friend? Can they be compared to the real-life ones or we should maintain some cautions? What's your opinion?


Ugmm well @minhajulmredo, of course it's not the same, ever. But just because it's not the same doesn't mean it's not good.

Friends in person require more effort than virtual ones. But nowadays those same friendships have practically become virtual, mostly because of the pandemic. In my case I haven't seen my friends for a long time and even our digital communication has distanced a lot.

I think it is easier, of course, as you say, once we have left the comfort zone and we start interacting with someone who seems to us like-minded, to start this kind of virtual friendship. Because already in itself, that very condition lowers the mutual commitment I think. Maybe it's like when people used to communicate with letters, there is no immediate demand in many cases. It doesn't matter how we are dressed or combed. Unless it goes to that level of video conferencing or something.

Obviously precautions do have to be maintained, because there is never a guarantee that what the other person says is true. But you know something, sometimes that doesn't matter much, because a virtual friendship maybe satisfies a need, makes you feel good, and gives you a chance to let off steam and that would be a reciprocal thing. Of course, if there is no honesty, that relationship, although virtual, would be a lie.

And if there are lies, surely there is a bad intention there, from which you have to be careful. Have a nice day ☺️!

Thanks a lot for your thoughtful response.

Friends in person require more effort than virtual ones.

True, even they are hard to fade away. See the virtual ones, much easier to find a new friend compared to the real-life ones, one dispute and just a block are all required to let go of the friendship but here in real life, no matter how much we fight, some are everlasting.

Obviously, pros and cons are available on both ends. For me, it's a great dilemma to take one side.

Thanks again!

It is true what you say. I think there's a lot of fabric to cut through when evaluating the pros and cons of each. But I think the best thing is spontaneous, no matter how the process takes place, whether virtually or physically in person.

I'll tell you something I once told a friend. I told her that I had never sought to make friends, that is, how to propose to be friends with someone in particular. She told me that she had tried it once, but had not succeeded in establishing a friendship.

Mind you, I have had people with whom I naturally should have been friends, but it didn't happen that way. But.... (I don't know what your beliefs are), I thank God that those people would not have done me any good.

And I say naturally because they usually needed something from me, I did them a favor, looked out for them, and nothing else happened. I was not consciously looking for it, but it seems to me that the sincere interest of one person for another is a fundamental ingredient for a friendship, and in fact it is a trigger, at least in my case.

I think that whoever does not perceive that and does not cultivate it, then he will not be a friend. Friendship is give and take. In my case there are people who have approached me, showing a sincere concern or interest in my welfare, without being obliged to do so, and that generates gratitude on my part and therefore, I also try to return interest in that person and that creates a bond.

Sometimes stronger than others. I don't know if what I say seems strange to you, but that's how my life has worked. Maybe some things are not well understood, because I write in Spanish and translate it into English. Have a nice day @minhajulmredol 😁

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Maybe some things are not well understood, because I write in Spanish and translate it into English. Have a nice day

Yeah, a few words seemed to be playing with me, hehe. No problem I got you.

Yeah, friendship comes naturally, it's kinda hard for the one side to decide and have the other as a friend in particular, hard but not impossible. It should be felt from both ends and build up the
friendship gradually.

And yeah, both of the sides should be careful about maintaining the friendship, One-sided friendships with self-interest fade away today or tomorrow. Instead, if we put the interest in the friendship then it's more likely to last long happily.

So you are Spanish, particularly from where?

Yes it happened to me also when I read your previous message, some things I didn't understand well, because I translate the web pages from English to Spanish and that changes some things. I understand a little English but I would spend light years to be able to understand a long text, or I would understand very little. I have to put a lot of effort to practice and improve.

Anyway, to what you asked me. My native language is Spanish and I am from Venezuela, and I still live here 😋.

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In spite of having this language barrier, you are trying hard and engaging well, I appreciate your effort.

I am from Venezuela, and I still live here 😋.

I am from Bangladesh, an Asian country.

Thank you so much!!! Technology helps us all a lot 😀 wow it's far away Bangladesh. I just lerr that it is the 8th most populated country in the world, congratulations 😋 . What is it like to live there?