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RE: The Weekly Turni—Issue 98

in BDCommunity2 years ago

"Turni" is here.

The Cycle of Employment

My deepest condolences to you as you have lost your unemployed status, so sad! I Have never been to a corporate life (except an internship which was conducted virtually) nor I wanna be one to be there if things go as per my plans. And that 8+8+8 rule, lol, in Dhaka one must keep a dedicated section just to feed the traffic. @sarashew

Out of Touch

Trust me, I wanted to write on this topic, a pretty big one to publish on my social media. The third portion, complaints from people for being out of touch, the stage of my life I have entered right now is the time I should focus on myself, to work on the career ahead of me, to fix things to work out in the long run, and getting busy while doing them is pretty normal. Life is not like the college days, with carefree roaming throughout the whole day, and hangouts that used to last for several hours. Things have changed that I can't make them understand, and then I postponed the attempts too.

Circle of Comparison

Fortunately, I haven't compared myself to others mostly. Yeap, there were lots of occasions when I felt jealous or saw an empty space within me for not having that particular thing but those faded away mostly. To be honest, there were some cases where I compared myself for lagging despite having the same potential to achieve something that someone else did, blaming myself, and then taking them as milestones to touch. Many of them didn't work out, but many did, and I am glad about the positive ones.

Well, I know I have lots of things to be grateful for, things to be proud of myself for, and I am happy with them on my journey ahead.

 2 years ago  

Some people just don't understand change, they don't like it, but change is inevitable. So, sometimes it's better if we welcome it with open arms, and not fight it.

 2 years ago  

Yes, stay away from this hellish life kid. This whole hassle is just not worth it.

Also, you are already rich, so why bother :v

Also, you are already rich, so why bother :v

Ekhono price tag dekha off hoyni shejonno 😕