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RE: The Weekly Turni- Issue 70

in BDCommunity3 years ago

The Big Shot

As a newbie spot trader, I felt that Schadenfreude feeling when I first learned about short selling. I was like, "Wtf man! I am going down and losing money while someone else is making money while riding down with me." I was like this is not fair, but recently I am reading a book by Andrew Aziz and I am seeing why it's absolutely fair and lovely to short.

Epicaricatic - a mouthful

We're not angels, we're not demons - a little bit of both attributes we have within us - we're humans.

True true, often I feel that on some selected person's failure my heart is kinda getting happy, but it's also true that at the same moment I realize that this is not fair and I rush to advise or do something good for them that might help them. It gives me a feeling of satisfaction from that evil happiness. @surrealfia

Schadenfreude was a new word to me but the meaning was a part and parcel of ourselves. If we just look around we would be finding numerous examples of having this feeling within or around us. Everyone wrote well, enjoyed reading.

Turni is in a new look, thanks to the people behind the efforts for this amazing outcome. Also, feeling good to see the comeback of the Featured and Honourable Mentions portion.


Oohh the evil happiness... You know, some may think that Schadenfreude is something sinister... it's as normal as any other form of hurt and joy... sometimes the demon in us wins and sometimes the angel rules the day... balancing is the key

balancing is the key

Yeah. That's the point to be noted.