First of all a big shout out to BDCommunity for publishing this awesome magazine every week. The cover picture of the old chair is really looking vintage with deep meaning. Also, After many years I again enjoyed the "Banalata Sen" poetry which definitely is one of my favourite poems.
Also, I really liked the 7 colour Tea above from Sy. I have yet to visit Bangladesh but I have an inner craving to visit all the historical places and also with my friends there. And now, one more cause has been listed to that, "Sylhet special 7 layer tea!" Seriously, I am a proud Tea lover but I have to admit I haven't even seen even a 2 layer tea in my life and You guys are drinking 7 layer tea!!! I just wish I could take a sip from it :)
Fantabulous work everyone. keep publishing awesome magazines like this. Take care :)
We like to experiment ;)
You should definitely come visit Bangladesh. Sylhet is still one of the very few places that holds itself true to nature. Sylhet is also where majority of our tea is grown, so that's right down a tea lover's alley!