There is an exchange of life and death that is inevitable which nature records every second. But my question is, why are some people celebrated even in their death while others are not? Well, that is not even enough reason to die great, just for celebration? Rather, but for the exact values those people have impacted their world with, I think that is worth the celebration. It doesn't matter the number of people that celebrates your existence, the fact is that you had a little or great effect on your world(community, society, church or even your family) .
Our Busy Life
We are so busy every single day but when we check out all our activities, most of it, if not all are done because we need the paycheck back. I never knew how it felt to help a family with their yearly house rent until I did. My God, it was very peaceful within, I could'nt count how many blessings I received that certain year but I felt a soothing cloud around me. Why?
Simply because I solve a problem that was not mine
A Problem Solver is Always an Hero
Like I say all the time, no matter the number of people problems we solve, there is always an heroic throne within us when we solve them even if it is one. I had an impact on just a family, that is a thumbprint on nature and most importantly, their lives. I don't really need Jay Z or Rihanna to sing a memorial song for me, but there is a small family that will be happy of my existence.
A Pratical Example
This doesn't have to be based on charity and helping the poor only. It can be at your place of work?
How much do you love your work? Why can't we learn to love our work even if we don't want it when we have the ability to learn to love a person? When you don't love your work, always remember that the end receivers of your company services are always affected. You will impact greatly in your office if only you attend to people needs with great attention and empathy. Like I said, they will talk about to someone or to their hearts of how some certain person, let's say in the bank helped their problem with so much care. That as well is a thumbprint, that is an effect.
We Always Have What To Give
I see many people tell me that they can't give because they are broke. That is the mistake many people make, they feel you can only have an impact with enough money. There are different kinds of impact and no one is totally stranded.
I watched a video on YouTube and there was a poor boy on the ground extremely fidgeting in cold. People looked at him and passed by without helping. He was lying totally on the ground chivering. That was really touching but it was provocative when no one could help. Surprisingly, it was an homeless person who came for his rescue. What did I say? Go back and read again, an homeless person who was also a begger that helped the little guy. He bought him bread and removed his jacket to cover him. Maybe if he had a house he might have accommodated him till he finds the next move to make. I cried so much until I saw that the little boy was even pranking him.
He wanted to know who will really help him. Apart from the prank, that is the reality we are in today. The little boy gave the bigger $2,000 for his upkeep. The begger busted into tears as well as the little boy.
You Can Start Today in Making a Difference
The story about the little boy and the begger does not mean we must give to all beggers in the street but it rather shows the weight of impact we can make in our spheres of life. Your care, attention, charity, help, money, effort is needed by many people. Search for them and leave a thumbprint in their lives. No matter the level you are in right now, think of what you can do more with no cost.
Have you heard of, extra quality with no cost? That should be your theme.
A friend of mine who is a contractor loves that theme so much. Whenever he is being paid for a building he did, he takes about 10% of the money to do something creative in the building. Just giving an extra touch that was not in the financial budget, it can be a little statue or a small fountain. Whenever the owners see their houses for the first time, they are extremely happy about it. Tell me, do you think they won't always recommend him for more jobs? Of course yes! He has left a thumbprint in their hearts.
In conclusion, the earth needs you, that society needs you, that family needs and that person living under your roof needs you. Don't be so busy and forget the importance of humanity when that is all is it in this world.
Are you ready to leave a deposit in people lives? Lets Make Up Our Minds.
It's magatha blog, where is your thumbprint?