Understanding Existential Crisis And How to Overcome It

in BDCommunity3 years ago


For the past week , I’ve been having this feeling of immense doubts and dread for my future. I woke up two nights ago crying my eyes out. I felt intense emptiness and dolor; like my universe had suddenly turned grey and I’ve lost all sense and meaning of life. I found myself asking some questions like: « what is my purpose ? Why am I even here? What’s the point of all this ? I have just one life- is this how I want to live it ?»

This phase hits me hard. I use to be this happy young girl who was sure of what she wanted and what direction her life would go. Now everything seems so hazy and uncertain. After searching online for answers, I discovered this thing that I’m feeling has a name- ´Existential Crisis‘.

Existential crisis (also known as existential dread) is a crucial stage or turning point at which an individual is faced with finding meaning and purpose in life and taking responsibility for his or her actions. Routledge says “Most people generally believe their lives have a purpose and meaning”. An existential crisis is when that belief collapses.

Existential crisis is not a recognized mental health condition. It is not a part of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5)- a handbook used for the assessment and diagnosis of mental disorders. So you can’t be diagnosed with an « existential crisis « Still, researches have been made by psychologists to deeply understand this common phenomenon; the symptoms, causes and how to overcome it.

The symptoms of Existential Crisis
-Emotional vulnerability
-Emotional distress
-Anxiety and mental fatigue
-Feelings of despair or helplessness
-Uncertainty about your identity
-Negative thoughts
-Suicidal ideation
-Feeling disconnected from the people in your life
-Substance abuse
-Antisocial tendencies

The causes of an existential crisis vary from individual to individual, depending on their circumstances, values and desires. Situations that could trigger existential crisis include
-Big life changes
-Feelings of isolation
-Death of a loved one
-The loss of a job or negative events at work
-Experiencing a change in relationships such as getting married, divorced or a significant break up
-Health issues
-Having identity crisis

There are several things you can do to work through and overcome an existential crisis.

•Feel all your feelings: You must understand that your feelings are valid and you have every right to feel how you feel. Don’t bottles things up or ignore how you’re feeling. Sit with your feelings and understand them. Negative feelings often stay longer when you try to resist them

•Talk to a therapist: If you’re feeling any of the above negative symptoms, then it’s time to talk to a professional. Existential therapists are clinicians in mental health who are trained to remind you of your responsibilities, help you find meaning and purpose again; and to help you combat your negative internal thoughts.

•Re-evaluate your life and goals : If you’re at the point where you are questioning your life’s essence, you may need to deeply re-assess your goals and priorities. You may need to make changes to your career, relationships and life in general.

Talk to family and friends : Find a support group and talk it out. Meeting with others, listening and sharing your experience can help you handle whatever is at the root of your existential crisis.

Try new things: By engaging in interests, hobbies and activities that give you joy, you may be able to remind yourself of your life’s purpose and meaningfulness. Try things you’ve never done. Take risks. Look out for activities that would make your free time more purposeful.

Earlier today, I started a gratitude journal where I began writing all the positive experiences I have had, the small but significant things that bring me joy and all the things I’m thankful for that add meaning to my life. I feel so much better today. I have taken 2 days off work. Can’t wait to completely get through this phase. Have you experienced this and how did you pull through ?