Why Should Entrepreneurs Have Friends

in BDCommunity3 years ago (edited)

Good day everyone! I'm beginning a new series, which will be very interesting, informative and educative, titled, Why Should Entrepreneurs Have Friends. Finding the right friend will make us happier and richer, so it is very important for an entrepreneur to have good friends around. In today's article, I will be sharing with you guys one benefit why entrepreneurs should have business friends.

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Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash


One of the benefits of entrepreneurs having business friends is the fact that friends hold you more accountable to your dreams, passions, desires and goals. A true friend will like to see his/her friends succeed in life and make true meaning of their life and be fulfilled in either their chosen career path or business venture. If you don't have some form of accountability in your life, you will just run your life on "auto pilot" and not really get to achieve anything in life or arrive at your desired dreamed future. You will be like a hay in the dessert, tossing around by the wind with no specific direction of where it is heading to. We all know that ideas are worthless if you never act on them. One if the best ways to get that action going, is to create goals around them and share those goals with your friends. Once a friend knows that you have a plan of getting something done, they tend to want to see you make a success of it. So, they therefore would hold you accountable to your set goals.


Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

If you are trying to keep fit, or let's say, you want to quit smoking. A friend can help you reach your goal by holding you accountable to stay through the process and ensure you stay true to the plan of giving up smoking or keeping fit, in order to live a healthier life. Even if you want to stop or give up on your set goals, knowing that there is someone waiting to hear your success story will make you not give up. It is good to have a friend that you can be accountable to. You have to trust your friend, like really trust that friend that you with be sharing your desired goals. I know we are meant to trust no one, but that's not true, think the worst, so you won't be shocked by any outcome because no one is ever happy knowing that they can't trust anyone. Just ensure you are close to that friend and believe that deep down that he/she can be trusted because the business world is full of competitions and rivalries and you won't want your business ideas or plans to be stolen. Sharing your dreams and goals with your friends is very good because they can encourage you to pursue your dreams even more and they will hold you accountable to stay true with dreams and never to give up.


Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash

I hope you found this article quite interesting, educative and informative, if so, do well to leave your thoughts in the comment section below. Thanks for reading.

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