Things I see and been up to

in BDCommunity4 years ago

I don't want to start with been a while so I am going ahead by saying what's up, peeps!!!! It's bank holiday over here and I have been sleeping all day like a dunce and this is due to me working nonstop for the past 3 days. My legs feel weak and ache all over but got a good rest with no issue or disturbance. I have saved a lot of pictures on my phone that I would always write a post about them but once I get home, all I craved was my bed and sleep.


I also notice people love black Cat more than any other shade over here. That animal can be scary especially in the dark and me being a Nigerian with lots of scary stories about dark Cats with scary eyes it always leaves the hair on my body standing with goosebumps all over me.I will start by sharing this picture I took of either a Squirrel, fox or jackal according to @burlarj. I see this animal everywhere I go in the UK and at first, I thought it was meant to be a pet of some sort but then my dad said it was a wild animal, dangerous but doesn't attack if undisturbed. Then I got confused on how a wild animal will roam so freely in the city and if it was the countryside, that was still explainable due to the forest and bushes but then seeing it al ost every day on my way back from work makes me feel creepy. This fox-like I call 'em comes to the backyard every day and always on time to start a staring match with me and leave when he gets tired as I always imagine. I don't go beyond the door because I am scared of what he or she can do. He stands and waits for food I presume and then leave until the next day.

No cat image because I still do not like cats and always wonder about what people see in them because they are lazy, all they do all day is sleep, eat and play around with imaginary rat. Such a money spending liability,lol.


Here is another natural gift that always comes to say hello but this one is not regular. He looks like a male animal because he comes to steal and bully the birds from their meal by taking over. As the picture depicts its action, he didn't leave that feeder until he almost finished the food. The bird had to manage the little that was fallen off from his feeding because the thief refuses to leave their feeder and go hustle up his own food like the big animal he is. Bad image quality because I had to zoom him in action and not disrupt his feeding so that he won't run.


Countless times in my fantasy land back at home, I always dream of buying books when I get to a civilised world and having my own library. Mind you I got books at home, thousands of them because I love reading and I got this bookseller who almost ruined me and stopped me from having savings. However, all I buy are used books, now imagine me coming to a place where 1 book cost about 5pounds for a new one compared to 70pence I usually get them back in Nigeria. Anyways, I decided to get one thing off my wish list which is a kindle, yeah, I got it from amazon and felt I won't have to buy books again. ell Ladies and Gents, that is a huge lie, I have bought like 50pounds worth of book since my kindle arrived on Wednesday. What a joke right?, I am going to abandon it because the unlimited I subscribed to does not give me my favourite authors like Nora Roberts, Jane Ann Krentz among others. Why did I spend a huge amount on it if I cant get free good books.
Let me not bore you too much, till we meet again, au revoir.......


it is a jackal, the tail says it all

the big or small one

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