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RE: Life's Perspectives.

in BDCommunity9 months ago

This is deep and you have made a very valid point. There are different perspectives to life truly and one of things I have learned while traveling through this temporary place we call home is never to be too rigid with life.

I believe holding on to pain is a choice for whoever chooses to but transfering the pain is a cruel act. It is very important that we are fair with how we treat people and most importantly, harboring pain doesn't bring healing but love does if we allow it to occupy our hearts.


Some people are too rigid with life. They try to control everything, impose themselves where they are not needed all because they are cry babies that desperately want attention. Maybe they lacked the attention in childhood but what you lack should keep you more humble and not proud. Some people as he said are irredeemable.

You couldn't put it in a better way than this. Absolutely spot on. Most people can't allow their heart to heal and they are who they are because they feel controlling everything can fuel their ego but it doesn't translate to happiness and being human.

Allow your heart to heal and I love what you said because you made us understand it's a choice and I also believe it. Allow that heart to heal and you won't be so embittered with everyone.

Don't be too rigid. That's the key. Even those who form rigid...they play double standards and that's why you know they have hidden agenda and they are just messed up.

Holding on to pain and being who you are is a choice as you have rightly said. Transfering your pain to make others be like you is even more inhumane. You might be old but that doesn't make you wise. Some people are advanced in age but far from being reasonable...always acting on impulse rather than understand things.