Dream" is a real religious return to the path of different feelings. No, it is not a dream that is seen while sleeping. It is a dream seen in self-awareness while awake.According to
India's one-time eminent scientist and at the same time the head of state Dr. APJ. Abdul Kalam,
"Dreams are not what you see in your sleep.
Dreams are what keep you awake."
In fact, this is true. He who knows how to dream can never sleep without thinking. His dream, the expectation of fulfilling his dream does not allow him to sleep. He keeps him awake in the consciousness of that dream. Suppose today I want to be a cricketer or a footballer. Or I want to be an athlete Or I want to be a writer. This is my dream,this dream will keep me awake. It will not let me sleep. I will not be happy without achieving my goal .
I don't have to tell anyone else to walk the path of my dreams. I will proceed at my own pace.I will not hesitate to give my best to engrave my name in gold in the list of athletes. After overcoming thousands of obstacles, I will finally find my rightful address. Again, if I want to be a writer, then? Then I would wrap myself around my reading table. And I will distribute myself among thousands of books. I will go ahead to quench my thirst for knowledge.
But the thing is, what if there is an exception? I mean I want to be a writer but I have to be an engineer for my family wish. Or I want to be an athlete but for some reason I have to go ahead to become a doctor. How will it be then? Then surely I will lose my own self. I will lose to reality. My dream will be shattered. I will not be able to go ahead on my own. Then reluctance will be created towards my work. I will fail to achieve success. But once you think about it, you will understand. A little while ago, I was ready to stay all day in the hot sun of my own free will. Again, I did not mind confining myself to just a small table. Well, is it easy to stay all day in the sun? Or is it easy to sit at a small table and just read a book? No, rather it is more difficult. This is very hard work. But I was ready to do each of my own will. I did not even think once to forbid my sleep with a smile. Because it's my dream.
My own love. But whenever thousands of burdens are being imposed on me. As soon as I felt overwhelmed, I started crying. I am protesting. I want to leave because I can not. The reason is clear, I have no love or affection for any of its work. On the other hand, my dreams are going to the abyss for this disgusting work. Is it ever desirable?
-"Dreams are not what you see in your sleep.
Dreams are what keep you awake."
Yes that's true .
Yes we should believe it and work in it.