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RE: We Are Not A Serious People.

in BDCommunity9 months ago

My Dear, its not like we are a joke i know it sounds and look like it, but men being care free in this country is the only way not to die of depression, swers....

Imagine what happened at the just concluded election, the cash crunch policy, e-naira, and all the drama that happened before and after the election, we all know who was fit to recreate a downtrodden messed up economy left by the former administration, despite all effort to vote in the right person in, it was a twarted effort, so my dear its not worth being serious about

Just live yourlife do the best you can to survive and if you are lucky to jakpa ...thank God


It is really annoying. All efforts were wasted and power play was in play as usual as has been the bane of Nigerian politics.

any ways lets look on the bright side maybe there could be hope somewhere
