Live for the experience.

in BDCommunity4 years ago

“Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.”– Soren Kierkegaard.


Life is that moment where we are made to see every bit of it as a problem to be solved rather than one to be experienced and lived in full and with expectations of having something profound and worth waking up to.
You cannot solve what isn't poised towards you as a problem.


The problem with seeing life as a problem is the problem that makes life hard to live and go by.
Be optimistic about life and have an understanding that, it is not that hard to be you in a world where it seems mostly impossible to get by without having to sweat.
Living life for the experience that it is is what will make the purpose of being here a reality.

The problem to be solved will come easy when you live through life with expectations rather than limitations.
Be happy and stay on your lane and never try to be what you are not.

If the experience is lived for, the problem will never break you when it does come around to be what it wants to be.

Make the world a better place for someone today!


Indeed not thinking about the problem and more focusing about solution will give the optimistic approach. Life is not for suffer, it's for enjoy to live freely.
Try new things and be better always.
We don't know how much day we live more but live everyday as it's your last. "A reality to be experienced"💖
Thanks for mind opening approach @ejemai

The joy of living will come from the experience of living life for the experience it presents.
Cheers and Stay Awesome!