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RE: Simple things in Life: How much the food cost?

in BDCommunity3 years ago

Hello, Azircon. I have no interest in the context between Piotr and you or why this conversation is taking place, and I don't profess allegiance to him or his project, but I do feel I need to address your opinion about Venezuelan presence in the platform.

You say that, from a pure investment perspective, Venezuelans are a drain because we don't buy Hive. I daresay that applies to the vast majority of Hive members, as most people join this project because of its blogging model, that's the one unique value that Hive can offer the world, there are lots of better coins for financial adventures. Venezuelans may not be able to buy the token, but we invest our time and effort in producing and curating content, which is what the platform's for, and the ultimate driver behind the token's value, adoption and use. Moreover, you may not be aware of the fact that we're by far the largest Spanish-speaking community in Hive and likely the crypto-world as a whole right now, because of the reasons you mentioned and many others that are far less obvious to people who don't live here. Cryptos have been a growing influence in our social fabric for years, due in part to Russian and Chinese involvement with the chavista regime. There are Venezuelans in every blockchain-based project you can think of.

Therefore, I encourage you to review your claim that the absence of Venezuelans (or Nigerians, Cambodians, Indonesians, Filipinos and members of many other nationalities who don't buy Hive) from the platform would be no loss or that it'd actually be a gain, financially or otherwise.


First of all, thank you for the comments. It is rare a get a thoughtful comment like this from the Venezuelan community. Pardon me, but even with Piotr, I mentioned that my comment is not territorial. I just don’t know any other way to put it.

Seems like we do agree on some facts that for example Venezuelans do not buy hive, and I agree with you so does most of the people on hive. So why single out Venezuelans? I will answer it. Because I was talking to an individual, Piotr, who had been taking advantage of this situation at our expense. This is the part that is unacceptable to me.

That said I do agree that this is a relevant discussion. Why don’t you write about it and point to me some to the major and leading contributors from your community?

Yes, I can see what you mean about Piotr, and yes, sadly you may be right about the thoughtful comments. Thank you for the suggestion, I've been thinking I should write more about these topics for a while. See you around!

I just checked your blog about runes.


Looking at this first few pictures don’t you think looks repetitive? People seem to think so. 4-5 comments total.... one from hive-buzz.. other comment like this?


Do you think people are caring about what you write? Are you making a difference? Again just asking the hard questions bluntly...

Thanks for perusing my blog. If you're interested in knowing why I do what I do, I exhort you to read my posts, I explain my process in far more detail than I could ever effectively expound in a comment. Don't worry about my impact, I have it well in hand. Blessings!

Venezuelans may not be able to buy the token, but we invest our time and effort in producing and curating content

Very well said @drrune

And here is the rub Piotr; if you DV in retaliation we have enough idle VP to counter it. So it will be a waste of time. I can even ask someone to write a few lines of code that will automatically counter your DV. Just saying.