Process of Negotiations

in BDCommunity5 years ago (edited)


Module 2

Don't neglect preparation

Everything should be well planed and prepared for success to be sure.
Having a setup ahead is an initial success of negotiation and will give you power, courage, and confidence to stand firm.

You need to have idea of the range of a negotiation. If maybe a business you should have idea of the price range. If it is about an amount of money from your husband you should have known his income and expenses. Negotiations should be humanely done to favor both parties.

Setting goals

Another important thing is setting a goal. Knowing when to accept and when to call it a quit. Negotiations should be flexible. Negotiations should be realistic, there is no sense in pricing a product worth of $500 $200, It is no longer negotiation trying to get $850 from your husband when his salary worth only $600. Let your goal be sensible and achievable so at the end everyone will smile.

Talking about active communication

Negotiation should be a function of exactness. Be plain, open, and understandable. Let your message be clear , tone-of-voice sexy and lovely, and your body language attractive.
Know how to negotiate in a formal settings and informal settings. Use of words shouldn't be the same also body language. You can't use a sexy voice and body language in such a way meant to your spouse to your interviewer.
Settings matters!

Listen Actively

Ability to listen during negotiation will give you an edge to hold him by his own words. Being an active listener not only gives an edge but allows you to gain insight into that very negotiation.

You will lag in negotiation once you lack listening skills. It allows you to think before you speak. Listening skills is an information grabber and sieve .


Closing a deal is as important as the negotiation is self. You won't love to leave a bad impression or feelings after a deal. Negotiate and close peacefully. Accept what you think can make both party happy. Know how to close a deal on time-wasters. Closing a deal is also a skill needed to be enhanced.

Check on previous posts on Negotiation


Great points and well explained. Thanks for sharing.