Module 12
On the last module we discussed on importance of logo and font , how it can say more about our brands. Today we will be discussing about color and also asking the same question which is , is color that important in your brand? Color I think is another important thing to make right. In totality all colors must blend...from logo to packaging to your advertisement etc. You need to know what your dominant colorsl says. Your dominant color must say alot about your brand. Color interprets. Arrangements of colors also matters, you can not allow white on yellow or blue on red, you should know how colors adapt and blend.
The above tells one thing, use a good designer, spend money and let that designer know all about your product. More than 75% of people at first sight lost love to a brand due to the color even before they know what that brand is. So many even got attracted to check out a brand due to the packaging which color is the chief. Colors give life to brands.
Again when choosing color don't choose one that will end up promoting your competitors, how? Choose a unique color, you can touch any color to be unique. Don't use a direct color another brand is using, make your brand unique thus should start from color.
So in conclusion, make sure you use color that complements the brand. Use a color that will make your customers be at peace with your brand. Use the color to connect the brand to its usecase.
Check out past Modules on Branding