Does Brand name matters

in BDCommunity5 years ago


Does Brand name matters

Module 8

Today we come to another important factor that will determine how long you are brand can last in the market. Is name that important? Remember a name is what is left after all competition, a name is also your brand, it is that which will distinguish your product from others. The name you give your product will have a greater influence at long run.

You have to make sure the name tops in value with respect to other categories within your brand. You brand name should stand as authority. you brand name should be one thing that always exist at the lips of your customers in the field of competition. No matter how similar your product is to your competitors, your brand name should maketh ways.

How can we choose our brand names? Can you name your new school or hotel covid19? I think no. This is how you should always avoid any negative name. Use a name that will forever be positive to the minds of your customers. Keep the name simple and short.
Try as much as possible to avoid a wrong

Finally when thinking about a name try and reason what the product does and possibly find some positive ways to carve out your name from there. Also put in consideration the business age, " long-term" or "short-term". Remember to maintain quality and the name will add more value to your product.

Check out past Modules on Branding