Be simple and focus

in BDCommunity5 years ago (edited)


Module 9

Focus on simplicity don't broaden your brand too far ,this may be seen in the eyes of many as success but in the market system you are weakining your brand.

Let us check something out if you have a brand A with a newer expansions B and C ,now we have different varieties of the same brands. What will consumer do? They will consume either B or C or (B and C) or A. That still won't increase sales but increase production and distribution cost on your own side. You won't love to reduce "A" production and distribution table , so best is to keep their brand simple and focus.

Expanding brand is more profitable in a short-term system but will have a greater disadvantages on your brand in future. You can't just weaken your point of success. Expanding an already doing well brand is not the best. If totally a new product ,totally create a new brand and place totally and new structure of administration.

Check out past Modules on Branding