There is no substitute of planting trees to keep our beautiful world habitable

in BDCommunity4 years ago

Hello Friends,

I have a small balcony garden. As you might know I have a large rooftop garden. Besides the rooftop garden I have made a small greenery beside my living room which is known as balcony. There I am planting some flower and herbal plants.


I try to plant a sapling at least every two weeks. This is because the seedlings in the balcony or rooftop garden are usually damaged from time to time. So, that day I was planting Nayantara flower sapling. Nayantara is a local name which is known as Catharanthus roseus. I am presenting here the steps of planting Nayantara sapling.

First I chose an empty pot where the sapling would be replaced. You can also see a knife here that will be used to grind the soil and replace the plant.


Since I have to plant new saplings all the time, I kept a bucket full of soil. In this soil I have already mixed the necessary fertilizer for this plant.


With the help of a knife, the sapling will be taken out of the existing pot where it is planted now. I did this job very carefully so that the roots do not get destroyed.



Now I will do the plant transplantation. First I put some soil in the bottom of the pot in where I replaced the plant.



The empty part of a container was filled then with the powdered soil.



Here’s the picture after completing the task.


The way global warming is increasing, each of us should plant more trees. Green house effect is the main reason of this global warming. As the use of cars increases in the world, their black smoke is polluting the world's climate. Also the rapid growth of factories around the world is another reason of environment pollution. The black smoke from these mills and factories are polluting the air. Due to this increasing pollution, the temperature of the earth is gradually increasing which we call greenhouse effect. As the Earth's temperature increases, the sea level rises for continuous melting of ice, which is a terrible sign for our Earth. So, as per the environmental experts, tree plantation is the most easiest solution to overcome this crisis. Trees can absorb many greenhouse gases. So whether it is roof, balcony or yard where possible let us plant more and more trees.

Here are few pictures from my balcony garden.







Stay safe and healthy.


This seems a very thorough job! I find it wonderful to put more green in our lives and in our houses 🌺🌻

You are right friend. Thanks for stopping by.

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