Extend your hands to the needy in this Corona crisis

in BDCommunity5 years ago

Hello Friends,

Even a few months ago, who knew that we have to deal with this crisis? I am talking about the ongoing Corona virus pandemic. This deadly virus have turned the world upside down. The world is facing its highest crisis after the second word war. This war is not against a person or a nation, this is against a tiny virus. Although this tiny virus can’t be seen with our naked eyes, it has tremendous destroying power.

We are passing our days in the midst of uncertainty over food and health security. Where the big nations are facing monetary problem with the ongoing crisis, our situation is vulnerable. We do not have sufficient personal reserves to spend staying at home. As per last calculation, income per capita of Bangladesh is $1909. One thing to be remembered that the calculation was conducted considering all class of people. The class discrimination was not considered. In every part of the world, a large group of people lead a luxury life, we are also in the same group. Lower class people are leading a miserable life. There are many people who take one time meal a day and sleep on the street. This group of people are the main sufferers in this lockdown situation.


The other day, I went out to buy some necessary items. I had to wait in a long queue in front of a super shop for safety precautions. I saw a bigger queue than this on the opposite side of road. The people were standing for hours to get rice with lower rate compared to the regular price. The purpose of both queue people is same. We all were there to get the necessary items to run our life. But, the way is different. They are seeking help and support from the people like us where we are supporting the super shop owners buying foods with high price.

I saw number of beggars on the footpath seeking for help. They had no other options rather asking help to other. I saw few people were helping and others were avoiding.



My main purpose of this writing is to extend our hands to the poor people. It is better to identify the people who can’t ask money like these beggars. They are our middle class society. They are around us. We know many of them. They are our brothers and sisters. They deserve this help from us.

I appreciate the continuous hard work of @bdcommunity This is the fourth round of Donate One Dollar, Save One life (4th Round) fundraising program going on. You can donate here. Your money will be reached to the actual person for sure.


This is the month of Ramadan. The best month of Muslims. Your donation will give you many times returns. Besides the religious beliefs, it is our responsibility to show humanity in this worldview turbulent situation.

Stay safe and help to poor.




Safe a life with just a dollar.
That makes you think right?

I have had my ups and downs in life as well and if i think about how many dollars went to utter nonsense in those "good" times, it makes me feel ashamed in retrospective.

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