Darkness makes the stars shine brighter

in BDCommunity4 years ago
Medical doctors are people who have always been respected in all societies of the world. Their prominence and deference doubled during the Corona epidemic hit. The whole world was practically shot down like it had never been seen in our generation- religious centers, work, travel, financial institutions, and recreational activities including sports was on hold, save all medical and research centers. Medical doctors and all related professions such as nursing, laboratory scientist, microbiologist, physiologists and virologist all had their glorious moment. They were set on the pedestal and they seem to take the place of conventional super heroes.

Source: Pixabay

The whole world was depending on the medical superheroes for the survival of the human race. Once again, the world was reminded the utmost importance of this noble field of study, and most importantly, that epidemics makes them shine brighter. People were caught more surfing about Covid-19 and slowly into other medical journals. Kids wanted to now grow up to become medical doctors. A few teachers wished they had gone ahead to become medical doctors, they would have been appreciated more this trying time.

It should be noted that doctors are not the only member of a society who have had their moment. Talk of the military men during wars and peace keeping- there is wide knowledge of histories from different iconic kingdoms and nation or journalist who bring to light what could have been uncovered, or politicians who have greatly improved the status quo of their community or nation. Statisticians, Programmers, Developers, Farmers have all had and will still continue to have their glowing moment- when the whole world come to a consensus, saying nice things and giving out their support to the role these professionals play in the society.

All humans have a great longing to have their moment. Every social creature- humans included - posses an innate need to be loved and appreciated. Not only does this makes humans feel better but it greatly influence overall productivity. The disheartening news remain all humans don't always get this desire satisfied. They don't feel on top of the world or like they are shining on a glorious seat of regality. And it is impossible (unethical) to force darkness on the world so we can play the hero. Else it is the easiest way to create a moment for ourselves.

There is a simple fix that all human can apply. Turns out a cluster of light (stars) only create more illumination- this is good isn't it? No! Maybe not most of the time, because a cluster of light is just too bright and blinding. An indispensable reason humans don't feel appreciated is because of the numerous clone of what they represent lying around. A school department with numerous teachers of the same specialty will not value any of its staff. the same way a sport team with many talented options would be unmoved, having too many rights over the players of the players- none of them is indispensable. The simple fix is translocation.

Good writing is not appreciated on every platform, neither is every music form/ genre in all community. Rather than conforming to societal norms casting creativity to what it judges brilliant, an individual should move to where he would be appreciated. A place where he can seat on a throne of regality, very high that all passersby can not but notice their presence and dominance. Moving to a town, domain, specialty, or arena that hasn't seen much of what he's got is an improvement to competing aimlessly to be noticed.

Humans need to be re-indoctrinated of how expedient it is to move to a place of higher chances of succeeding, and not wasting away time attempting to prove points to nobody: Everybody is busy and are not getting less busier by the day, so nobody really cares about anybody. Not everyone would be a professional athlete with all thing being equal, but a person could easily shine in the darkness without wasting irrecoverable time.

Many have tagged this kind of message a 'good news' to the weaklings- well, many great men were once tagged weaklings. A popular notion is that you are the average of the five people you associate with. The problem with this rule is telling all participants this, Joseph, Stella, Hakeem, Anik and Jared can't all hold the same position- average. They all have to individually hold a position in their clique, hence the rule is only true to one of them. It isn't so bad if a person happens to be the smartest in his clique or newly found location/ arena. He only need to recognize not to get comfortable on mediocrity and lazing out on improving- this is the very message the popular quote intends.

In conclusion, all humans must find a way to get their desires fulfilled- and this includes the desire to be appreciated in the society. Appreciation shouldn't be limited to the scope of receiving praise and recognition, it is worth more and all that a person expects. Appreciation extends monetary value, political recognition, possible degree of monopolizing, changes and a better living condition. Every human should define what success is, and what it means to be appreciated.

Thank You!