in BDCommunity5 years ago

Over time as a lady,I have come to understand the essence of imbibing "Patience" as a lifestyle.


Patience in my own words is a capacity to tolerate or remain calm over a situation without showing anger or being worked up about the issue.

Which is what am going to be sharing with my readers today,and I hope to make sense to someone.

To survive in life you need patience,if possible carry it about and be conscious of it.

Let me take you around, can you pause a bit and think of what you wouldn't have lost if you were a little more patient?

How did it feel?

Life pushes each and everyone of us but then the way we accept it makes the difference.

I had a friend last year,she was working with as a marketer in her company,she was so good at what she did but her pay wasn't enough according to get compared to her output,she complained to her supervisor and the supervisor told her she would write to their director about it and encouraged her to keep up the good work.

Two months past and they got no response from the director,she had to quit the job, unfortunately it was that week she resigned that their director came visiting with her promotion letter and her allowances, someone was relocating from their head office and he wanted her to take over,that was the reason for the delay,sadly she had already quit and the unfortunate thing is that she has been jobless since last year.

Patience doesn't only come to play in opportunities but also even the way we relate with one another.

You need patience to be able to relate with people especially those who love to do their thing at their own pace,if not you will misunderstand them and feel that they don't want to help you or do what you ask of them.

Sometimes before you give your own conclusion,give it enough time and watch.

You will loose more when you are so quick to act than when you take your time because a lot of things unveil with time and your understanding becomes clearer.

As a lady,I have realized that I am always more happier when ever I decide not to act fast over some issues but then just observe and be calm,at the end my perception at first would always be wrong and then I would be happy that I didn't act immediately.

This is not something that might be easy at once but when you realize that it works,you would put more conscious effort to it,you would also need to ask for the grace to always know when to speak and when to be calm over certain life challenges.

You would get there,first decide to take that step and see yourself leave a happier life.

Thanks for dropping by,I still remain @cherylsonty,your favorite jumia sales consultant!


To survive in life you need patience,if possible carry it about and be conscious of it.

Exactly. Patience is one of the keys to success - no matter what we do or indulge in.

It has really helped and saved so many times,thanks for coming around!