Sunday, February 27th, 2023সোমবার, ১৪ই ফাল্গুন, ১৪২৯ বঙ্গাব্দ

This is an idiom people from West Bengal use a lot. Bengalis are a self-critical and pessimistic lot. Even a few days back, when I was in College St, Coffee House, the intellectual heart of Kolkata, I heard the same thing. Funny thing is that 25 years back, when I used to frequent its steps on a daily basis, I used to hear the same phrase. সে রামও নেই সেই অযোধ্যা ও নেই.
Today, as I write this column on this Friday evening, I a feeling a lot like that সে রামও নেই সেই অযোধ্যা ও নেই. Generally I am a positive guy and very unlike my fellow Bengalis back home or abroad. But I guess the saying here is, you can take Bengali away from Bengal, but you can’t take Bengal away from a Bengali. They typically say that for India, I took the liberty of changing a couple of words. The point is, whatever the reason is, this digital column is barely alive. This is just a reflection of the activity of the community, so you can imagine the health of the community from this column.
That said, personally I have been rather busy. The recent war in Ukraine which is now more than a year long, has changed the commodity markets for good. The direct impact for me is a substantial amount of business travel. That is great in the beginning after the lull of covid, but it gets old rather quickly. Thankfully in a couple of weeks there will be spring break, and I will be taking some time off.
I often wonder if I should try and push the activity level. Do I provide a certain incentive to get people more active like before. Then I wonder, why this time it will be different? So I won’t. This is the 97th column that I have written in this space. I think it would be a folly not to write three more after this one. Then the current editor might stop typing all together. I think that will be a good time to stop.

You may be related to someone by blood, fastened by the different light and dark shades of red, but that doesn’t really make them your family.
As I tread ahead in life, I slowly understand that the people who are blood related, the few people who I considered to be a part of my family, were never truly what they seemed to be. Good intentions, a bit of faith and understanding is all I ask for, but even all that is a bit too much to ask for these days.
Fortunately, there’s no shortage of trust and support in my own home. At least my parents and siblings are understanding enough. There’s also my wife, who’s always ready to surf the waves with me; whether it be the abrupt tsunami of ups and downs, or the calm and warm ripples by the shoreline.
It’s quite normal to not like someone, you may not like their appearance, or their approach towards life, so you choose not to support them, which is fine. But to have ill intentions, to pull someone down, to talk dirty behind their backs, and then to instantly put an innocent face on, when in front of them; people with such shape-shifting abilities really do exist. Or do they just have a big collection of masks?
When it comes to acting all nice and innocent, these people are quite a natural bunch. They’ll butter you up, while they quite effortlessly prep their wicked tactics and tricks in the back of their heads.
Some of them are clueless too, they also wonder why some of us distance ourselves, creating an invisible barrier between us and them. Thing is, the word always gets around, because we simply don’t know when and where we should be keeping our mouths shut. And some of us can just tell, because we’ve had our fair share of experiences with different types of people, it’s now somewhat easy to read people’s true intentions.
Thus, never blindly rely on blood. Instead, rely on the people who have been battle tested the same as you, the people who have and will fight alongside you, no matter what. Sweet words are always nice to hear, but the effort and intention is what really counts and holds true value.

দৈনন্দিন জীবনে হাতটানের অভ্যেস আমার না থাকলেও, বই-পুস্তক, সিনেমা, গান এসব যে তুঘলকি কায়দায় হাসিল করে ভোগ করে আসছি বহুবছর—একথা অস্বীকার করার পাটা আমার নেই। যদি কোন এক সুদূর ভবিষ্যতে বিশাল ধনবান হয়েও বসি, তবু কিছু কিছু তুঘলকি নিমিত্তে আমি নিঃসঙ্কোচে ডুবে থাকবো। এবং এর পেছনে কনভেনিয়েন্স হচ্ছে সবচে বড় আলাপ!
জি-লাইব্রেরীর অন্তর্ধানে বিপদে পড়েছিলাম বৈকি। এ জিনিসটার টেলিগ্রাম বট ছিলো, কোন বই চাইবা মাত্র টেলিগ্রামে পেয়ে যেতাম, চৌদ্দবাড়ি ঘুরে বেড়ানোর ধার ধারতে হতো না। কলিন হুভার নামক এক সস্তা লেখিকার ভক্তরা ঝামেলা পাকিয়ে জি-লাইব্রেরী খেয়ে দিলো। এরপর টর ভার্সন ছাড়া আর কোন উপায় ছিলো না। তো খুশির কথা হলো মেলাদিন পর জি-লাইব্রেরী ফিরে এয়েচে! নতুন সিস্টেম এখন। যার যার কাস্টম ডোমেন দিয়ে দিবে, ওটা আবার পই পই করে মানা করেছে শেয়ার করতে। ডিফেন্স এগেন্সট দ্য টিরানি! নতুন টেলিগ্রাম বটও বেশ উপাদেয়, নিজেই নাম সেট করা যায়। আনন্দের আতিশয্যে ওদের ডোনেট করলাম। এখন ওয়েবসাইট থেকে কোন বই সরাসরি কিন্ডল রিডারে পাঠাতে পারি মেইলে, লাগে মোটে এক ক্লিক! পূর্বপুরুষেরা এ আরাম পেলে নির্ঘাত বইটই আর লিখতো না।
এদিকে আমি ভিন্ন আরেক জিনিসের খোঁজ পেয়েছি। Anylang নামক এক ওয়েবসাইট, যাতে ইউরোপিয়ান বিভিন্ন ভাষায় বই পড়া যায়। তো এর জন্যে স্পেশাল কায়দা কেন বাপু—এই যদি হয় প্রশ্ন, তবে শুনে নিন—ওরা CEFR লেভেল মেপে বই সাজেস্ট করে। যেকোন শব্দ বা বাক্য সিলেক্ট করে দিলে অর্থ দেখাবে, উচ্চারণ শোনাবে। ভাষা শেখার মত অত্যাধিক ত্যাল যাদের আছে, তাঁদের জন্যে বেশ ভালো উপায়। তয় ওরা মাসে আড়াই ডলার চায়। দিলেম। কয়েকগুণ লাভ উসুল করে লব এই আমার পণ।
ওতে একটা ফরাসী শিশুউপন্যাস পড়ছি ফরাসী ভাষায়। এক বাচ্চা ছেলে চিড়িয়াখানায় নেকড়ের খাঁচার সামনে ঠায় দারিয়ে থাকে, আর এক চোখ কানা নেকড়েকে দেখে। অন্য বাচ্চাদের মত ভেংচি কাটে না, ঢিল ছোড়ে না। নেকড়ে এতে উল্টো অস্বস্তি বোধ করা আরম্ভ করলো। বাচ্চার সমস্যা কী? ওদিন তো বটেই, পরদিনও সারাদিন বাচ্চাটা নেকড়ের খাঁচার সামনে দাঁড়িয়ে দৃষ্টিবাণে ধরাশায়ী করতে লাগলো। এরপর আর তারপর দিনও। অতঃপর নেকড়ে ভাবলো, আচ্ছা শালার পো শালা, আমিও পারি। চোখাচোখি হলো। প্রবল স্টেয়ারিং কনটেস্ট। কিন্তু নেকড়ের তো এক চোখ? কী করে পারবে? এই ভাবতে ভাবতেই বাচ্চা ছেলেটা নিজের এক চোখ ঢাকলো হাত দিয়ে!
গল্প চলছে। ভালো লাগছে। ঢিমে তালে পড়ছি। সম্পুর্ণ নতুন চোখে ভাষাকে দেখছি।
ইদানিং ফিজিকাল বই-টই কিনছি। লাইব্রেরী আসতে আসতে গড়ে তুলবো। সেদিন নীলক্ষেত থেকে ৯৪’র মুদ্রণের কটা নিলাম। মেলভিলের মোবি ডিক, কনরাডের লর্ড জিম। সস্তায় দিয়ে দিলো। ওরা ভেবেছে আমি বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে লিটারেচারের ছাত্র, পরীক্ষা দিয়ে টিয়ে বই বেঁচে দেবো! যদি জানত আমি তিনগুণ দিতে রাজী ছিলাম, হা হা!

Hernandez to Norman Nordstrom in Don’t Breathe 2
Never have I ever been moved by a silly movie so profoundly. It’s not the plot actually but this particular dialogue between two characters at some point in the movie has something powerful enough to move a mountain only if you are eager to embrace it wholeheartedly.
Reflecting on the deeds, questionable deeds to be honest, is more like offering a bowl of hot soup to the soul— it takes time to cool down and taste the first sip but when it’s cold enough, you get to enjoy every drop of it.
We all have some dark sides, that we don’t (read can’t) share with others. Not because they reveal the hideous self of us but because we don’t want to remember them as they are too ugly to be recalled even by ourselves.
It’s okay.
I believe not wanting to share such secrets is absolutely fine.
But we; the inner self can’t hide from those unfortunate events that are imprisoned at the remotest part of our soul for years, even decades. They are there for some noble causes. The creator has purposefully kept them alive in our mind for some good reasons. He wants us to recall them at our leisure so we can guide ourselves to the right path.
That’s it, my friend.
Reflect on what wrong you have done today, the day before, or even at some point in your life. Recall those ugly moments buried deep inside you, and ask yourself why and when you tuned out of your sense of righteousness. Have you corrected yourself yet— ask yourself, feed the soul with the right bowl of soup it deserves.
Keep digging my friend, someday you will find reasons to give your life the fresh start you are planning for many nights.

My body is a house,
that has shuttered through many storms, but the foundation still gleams standing in her lived paint, the kind of house that lies at the end of the street where the forgotten toys lie in the waiting grass, searching for the sun that shines through the creaking floorboards, where wildflowers grow through
My body is a house,
the kind that listens under a full beaming moon, in her walls that echo many seasons lived, and still yet to come, the faint hint of childhood chalk and all of the days we lived in the sun, if you listen hard enough, she tells stories, just by standing
My body is a house,
follow the butterflies up the walls, the scars where Rome threatened to fall but try to stop the sun from shining, even through the most broken of glass forgiveness grew from the soil, wrapping from the once grieving porch where brisk lemonade was salt in the wound, and only made her mouth sore until forgiveness grew, where she had never known it before
My body is a house,
the kind with wings, if you dance through the hallways, you'll understand the war she fought to sing, you'll understand why the shadows now compliment the light, how she took a house of ruins and was reborn from the inside.

Words have, yet again, ceased from my fingertips.
It’s not an uncommon sight for me, as I go through this up-and-down level of writing activity at least three times every month, but I’ll be lying if I said that by this point I’m used to it, because I certainly am not.
I’ve reached that moment in life where the tide has finally started to pull, and with it, the shifts of change have also started their call. It’s definitely not the time for me to sit and enjoy the view in front of me, not with the work I have laid out in front of me that I need to be doing to keep the house I wanted to build on the shore of my mind, and my future. Yes, it is undoubtedly an unnecessary symbolistic phrase I used right there, but that’s the peak of how artistic I can get at this point, so I’ll take it.
Long story short, things are kicking into gear for me this year, and I’ve yet to catch up with it all. Too many things have piled up on my to-do list, and I’m scrambling back and forth to get it all in order. I thought of getting a part-time job for myself for a couple of months now, and with opportunities of that coming into light, I know I need to run if I want to catch it.
Now, the problem is that with all the hecticity of everything; from family to university, ( My last frikkin’ semester to be exact) I am finding myself slipping from the things I rather enjoy doing. From writing to even picking up my guitar, things are not looking up in the hobbies department for me. Yet, I still try my best to move with it, whenever I can. For some weird reason, I’ve found that I am rather into video editing of all things, and so now I try and fiddle with that in my pastimes. I even got into some courses to follow, with not a single care or idea of what I might do with the skill once I master it.
I sometimes hate this stupid learning tendency of mine, that literally runs towards anything they find shiny and new to look it up from every angle, then discard it once all the knowledge has been sucked dry from it. I learn, yet I do not apply; it’s a cycle that has been going on with me for ages. To do better, I know this needs to be changed, even if slightly. I’m in no condition to fulfil all my whims without a care for the future. Yet, I still end up doing it all the time.
So, yeah. I’m moping at the moment. I started this piece thinking I’d write about how human minds sometimes take away the simplest pleasures without a warning, and how it might be just a reflection of our outer state that compels it to do so. Yet, I ended up word-vomiting my agony…
Writing for Turni was never about incentives. Despite knowing not many reads it, authors still write cause it gives them a sense of belonging on this gray space that we call Hive. They do it cause at the end of the day, it feels precious to be a part of something.
The main issue why activity is staggering has to do with the guardians of this community. They offered protection, a place of belonging and security, and a place of chances. When that is taken away, and people are left off to fend for themselves, its natural for them to be awry. When a roof is ripped off in a tornedo, for people sheltered beneath, its not fun anymore. It becomes all about survival and staying afloat.
In any case, 97 consistent posts from the editor is a feat that must be respected and should be thanked.
As the saying goes...
Incentive or not, I know that some of the members here really couldn't care less. The ones who are here for the long run will always make time for Hive, this community, Turni, and also for our little writers group.
I don't know much about the crypto market or whatever, but even the noobish "crypto enthusiast" inside of me says that all this inactivity is because of the bear. From the submissions to the activity, views and comments from other members on the chain, it has all been affected.
Also, I truly believe some of us are busy with the very real problems of life; I can just feel it, because even I myself am caught up in a lot of sh*t.
For now we carry on, whatever the activity, pace and rhythm may be, we adapt and keep on surfing the waves.
This was never about money. People who didn't share the sentiment aren't here anymore. Thing is bro, all of this will be here. People will come and go, but this wont. That I can promise. No matter who ever says what.
They are long gone, thing is, nothing is or was promised. From the start to the end, this was all about contribution; giving back to the chain and the community. Those who understood that part never looked for any incentive and are still here, showing up when called upon.
Right now there is some absence, a fair bit of inactivity too, but when they are needed, most of the authors always show up.
In real world, it is also called 'growing up'
Hard to agree. Its easy to use "growing up" out of context. All are grown ups here. Difference is just age.
I agree. Let me provide the context.
Growing up has nothing to do with age. I am glad you feel that you are grown up, I often don't, although I am older in age than you. Please watch this video below, I have no idea, how I remembered this and how I found it!
This is a kid cooking fried rice for his little brother. I think I can say, perhaps I have things to learn from his skill and his compassion. Especially how he tried to keep her little brother engaged and how he gave him the first spoon of rice as it was done. I think I can learn multiple growing up skills from this video, that I probably don't have, or I at least haven't mastered it.
Having to deal with your life and your work without getting help from others is part of 'growing up'. That is a skill often overlooked. I have seen many adults lack this particular skill. I have seen people complain that they don't have a well paid job, and say the government is to blame. I have seen students complain that they are not getting top notch education at current age, and their educational system and ministry is to blame. I feel all these cases can use a little bit of 'growing up skills'.
Not to mention navigate hive ecosystem on their own without any help from anyone.
First of all, I am missing our prominent authors including @surrealfia @simplifylife @rehan12 and many others. Not to mention the Head clerk. Sara, Rafia too. Hopefully, they will be back soon despite the odds.
I can sense the frustration and anger of Mr Editor; at the same time, I may not. Let's not debate on that but the thing is, being present in this little space of ours for 97 times straight isn't a joke. We are grateful to you for your contribution and hopefully, we have the right to humbly request you continue this for a few more years, even decades :)
I don't know if I have fallen for this Anna girl, but I am sure her words have kept me seized since a long time ago. I envy the spontaneity she offers through her words, plot, and overall vibe of the story, poem, or whatever she writes. Sometimes, you could teach me @annabeth. You have to.
Writer's block is real and I have suffered several times from it. But this thread thing might work against the writer's block I guess. When I am affected but my soul aches for writing something on Hive, I read a lot. I believe you are into reading too, still, if that persists, scroll down the photo gallery of your smartphone. Somewhere there has to be a story visualised waiting for you to start writing about.
p.s. not professional advice @drivingindevon
There is joy in reading classics, especially if you can put yourself in the context. But the languages often block fluency and I find it irritating enough if there is none around to help me out understanding the word/sentence. But that literature-reading period is almost over for me, I don't particularly enjoy reading top-notch literary pieces, rather, I'd prefer contemporary writer-ups inspired by ancient events. Literature goes with you tbh @notacinephile bro
You are spot on @riz611 bro, at every point you've mentioned. It doesn't have to be blood, but rather the understanding and trust shared between the parties to form a meaningful relationship. And there will always be someone to backstab you no matter what. Even our prophet (sm) couldn't escape from such individuals despite his noble character. So, we better be careful with whom we share our thoughts and secrets than be sorry later.
That's some big words coming from you and you don't know how much it implies to me, while I'm recently struggling with picking up my mind whenever I tried to write something.
And I don't know about teaching, but I have way too many things to learn from the seniors including you.@r-nyn 😊
What I can teach is how to make excuses; so you better stay away from me :P
And when I say you have a thing with the use of words, know that I mean it. Keep it coming 🙂
Like the little group we have right here haha. No blood relation, but family indeed. 🖤
You got that right bro. I just picked up One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez because I needed to read something that has the right amount of philosophy with a bit of magical surrealism thrown in between. So far it has been going well. If you are into that, you can check it out too. We can be reading buddies since no one else has yet to agree reading it with me -,-
Hopefully this one will help. Otherwise I'll have to get into the picture shuffling thing.
I have had this book shortlisted for many YEARS. Unfortunately, still didn't get a chance to make it to the pages; thousands of excuses are blocking my good intention to read.
But I will, soon. Not right now.
I am a bad "reading buddy," either I don't respect the rules or am too shallow to digest the vibe profoundly. In most cases, I finish reading anything way faster than buddies. So, no thank you; some other day 😞
I do read some contemporary works though, but they are almost all non-fiction.
Non-fiction doesn't arouse the thing in me, actually. But they do share a tangible vision towards life through simple words.
The people behind the mask are pretty unhealthy for our life, in a simple sense I like to address those characteristics of people like a double-dealer snake. Their words are as poisonous as Snake. If you take toxic thoughts and words in your practical life, It will ruin your skills, and make weak your base of life. It's quite a great decision to stay connected to those who really care and that positive energy will assist us to lead a positive & peaceful life.@riz611 bro
There's no other option. No matter how closely related someone is to you, if they have toxic traits, then the chances are, some of that toxicity might get transferred into you. And I surely don't want that.
On top of that, such people have super draining abilities. They're quite good at draining the positive energy out of you; always pointing out your flaws and shortcomings, but never seeing the positives.
I fully agree with the statements bhai & I believe that's how someone can lead a beautiful life.
97th issue, three more to reach a hundred 🔥
Blood & Water
As long as we have our family by our side then nothing matters, especially in my case. I don't give a shit what my distant relatives are thinking or gossiping about me, nor does my family care about them. We always try to be polite, gentle, and hospitable towards them whenever we come across them, ignore those negatives with a smile, and then will get tired of these one day for sure.
Exactly, I am quite fortunate to have some of them whom I can count on for my adverse days outside my family. They really care about me and that's what keeps me moving.
Digging Up The Past
Most of the time I don't share something with others because I don't want judgments from them, it's kinda rare to find someone who won't be judgemental of the ugly truths. Better to keep within ourselves and the other reason is that they don't affect us the same way after a certain period of time, not in my case. So it's always better to bury them within me and I like not to dig them unless they appear before me on their own.
Btw how much did you enjoy those two movies? @r-nyn bro, particularly the first one.
We should not share the dark sides of our life with others, not even with the closest ones unless we can trust them blindly with our life. Otherwise, things will get leaked one day and we will be subjected to mockery for our foolish actions.
However, we should keep those ugly moments alive and ponder periodically as long as we don't learn lessons from them and set things right. Besides, digging up the past and being remorseful for our wrong deeds, if we have any, is what makes us human; the finest creature on the earth.
About the movie, I'd say the second part is more interesting and have a decent beginning where you get to know how the blind man navigates through the house and surroundings. Although there are flaws, in general, the second part is more polished in my opinion. But I heard many saying the first one is better; can't complain :P
Go for the second one 🤐@rafa-noor apu,
If you haven’t got the context, read nyn bhai's piece.
You know, I was thinking that too after going through nyn bhai's post. I'm gonna take the dare again! :P
and don't worry, won't scold you this time :3
No problem, I will drag nyn bhai to counter this time. 😁
If you found any solution to this mess, don't forget to tell me. :)
You tell me!! You are the "সুখী মানুষ" here -,-
@notacinephile this is classic
Reminded me of a Soviet era book.
“When daddy was a little boy”
I am still encouraged by the fact that this digital column is still alive albeit barely, yes; I am a positive kind of guy alike.. It is a testament to the resilience of the writer and the dedication to the craft. I also agreed by the fact that sometimes it has taken the liberty of adapting the saying to fit the very own circumstances. However, my concern is about belongingness. Turni gives me strength and pleasure of collective success. Though I have little contribution on the hectic journey of this weekly but I've seen the utmost toil by the editors, some writers, composers, wordsmiths, designers, artists and more. This really shows a creative and innovative spirit, which is something to be admired. I do admire. Truly money is a great motivation! But it is also impactful and crucial that the motivation runs positively. For me, my writing career here in this chain is critically inclined with this community magazine. I think it is mine and I exist like the little grain in a pile of harvest!
কাক ছিটালে...... অভাব নাই...!
তাই বলি,
সব সত্যি,
ক্যপ্টেন স্পার্ক সত্যি,
টারজান সত্যি,
স্পাইডার ম্যান সত্যি,
ব্যাটম্যান সত্যি,
তুর্ণী সত্যি!!
রাম, অযোদ্ধা আছে না নেই, তা নিয়ে বিতণ্ডা তথৈবচ নহে!
Let's bring back life to thee!
And Hats Off! for the 97th one...
I hope and am eagerly waiting for the next.....
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