The Weekly Turni-Issue 58

in BDCommunity3 years ago

Sunday, September 20, 2021
রবিবার ১১ই আশ্বিন ১৪২৮

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖂𝖊𝖊𝖐𝖑𝖞 𝕿𝖚𝖗𝖓𝖎



Means' development'. I was randomly looking at google maps around Bangladesh with street view, and a sign got my attention. It is that sign above, white Bengali font on a red background, a catchy sign, and every one in Bangladesh knows it.

বিকাশ এ বেশি টাকা পাঠালে বেশি লাভ

A developing country needs a rapid flow of goods and services, and therefore a mobile phone-based money transfer service should be popular. I do not want this editorial to be the infomercial for bKash (as it is spelled), rather I just find it funny. I think their usage of words in English and in Bengali are both quite deliberate and allegorical. The literal Bengali translation with which I started writing is rather profound because for any kind of development, not only do you need money, but you also like the money to flow fast and in all directions. This is basic economics.

The concept is quite simple. In the modern world, where we are born or live, often that place is not where the jobs are (or money-making opportunity). So people tend to move to locations where there are better opportunities. So that creates a situation where the earning member of the family is not living in proximity with their immediate family or loved ones. This detachment can be domestic (more common) to international (less common, but quite widespread nonetheless). So there is a situation where supply and demand meet. People need to transfer money, that's the demand, services like bKash are providing the supply, the money. It's incredibly simple and highly effective. How do they make money? They take a small commission from various sources.

When the cryptocurrency movement first started, this was the basic premise of the movement. Fast and effortless movement of money. We have become much more than that now, but I don't think we ever succeeded in doing what bKash does. So, a lot of you who are reading this thing, probably have bKash or used some other similar services. You all have some form of crypto or other, but you (and I) still use fiat currency, why? Simply because, in most places of the world, it is STILL not easy to buy a computer or a cup of coffee with crypto. Yeah, I know some of the examples that you may be able to provide but it is not easy. So we still need fiat currency every day. So we convert crypto to fiat. We have been able to create wealth by using hive, but we still can't use hive to buy a cheeseburger. Until we can't do that, there will always be bKash!


- @Deepu7

গুরুদেব! বড় উন্মনা মনে হচ্ছে আজ?
বাঙালির হৃদয়ে রাজার আসনে আসীন,
দিকে দিকে জনরব সীমাহীন
তবু কেন কপালে চিন্তার এই ভাঁজ?

হে বিদ্রোহী! গরিবের কান্ডারী
তোমার খ্যাতি ও কম নয় মোটে,
যা রটে তার কিছুটা তো বটে
অপসংস্কৃতির উত্থানে, সাহিত্য যে আজ ফেরারী।

চারিদিকে ড্রামস-গিটারের দামামা
রবীন্দ্র-নজরুলও চলছে কাটাছেঁড়া,
ভুলে ভরা কর্কশ সুরে, বাঙালি আজ পথহারা
অদৃশ্য ইশারা! যেন সবই অজ্ঞাত নামা।

জানি তুমি আমি ফিরব না আর-এই ধরাতে
তবুও দুঃখ ভারাক্রান্ত মনে,
আশা জাগে হৃদয়ের এক কোণে
শুদ্ধ সাহিত্য জাগ্রত হবে কোন এক প্রভাতে।।


- @surrealfia

*** I'm horrible at giving advice.***

Okay, maybe that sentence is not entirely true and I too have (I believe) a unique perspective over different matters. Regardless, I'm not a therapist nor a counselor - may be my suggestions will not be 100% accurate but it won't be less than 50% that I'm sure. Anyway, I prefer not to lay my opinions all around the table. That hasn't stopped me from cheering someone up - that I always try doing.


Why do we need advice! This is something that I often ask myself. Yes, I know myself better than anyone else knows me and no one can give me better suggestions about my life than myself, but it's often that one's own opinion doesn't seem to be enough. So, even to see things from someone else's point of view, you, me, or everyone else has to listen to other's opinions, even if it's for the sake of comparison or argument. We're not always wrong, neither are we always right - besides a different approach could prove to be useful according to the circumstances you're facing.

So, what is it about advising someone! I'm not overly fond of it - mostly because I barely take advice, let it be someone else's or myself. We all need advice from time to time from picking out our clothes to a drastic career change. Most of the time we have answers within our grip but sometimes, oftentimes, it helps to see if that person we're sharing with has the same point of view or not. It has been my own experience that you are more willing to accept advice from a person who has similar opinions, and if that person suggests something you haven't had the idea of before, you're most likely to pay attention to it. Likewise, a person who doesn't seem to have similar tastes or opinions as you would least likely be picked on while you're looking for advice.

No one is meant to excel in every aspect of their lives. No life is perfect. You may try to give advice to someone because you may present a different angle of the situation, but have you managed to see the situation from the perspective of the person you're advising? Some people go overboard with their advice, you may feel that your life isn't yours to control anymore, and these people have taken over the life that you're supposed to be living. Often these so-called pro advisors don't manage to see your problem from your perspective; often these people have the belief ingrained in them that they know the best approach or they may show you that no one cares about you more than them. Controlling and advising are separate, they aren't the same - one can always provide a suggestion, but he/she is not meant to take over your life; he/she has a life of their own and so do you. You're the lead character of your life and not one of the supporting characters. The people close to you have their lives to lice, not take the reigns of yours. You can take the advice and whether you follow through with it or not is up to you.

There is always a choice.

""Superstitions- S2""

- @Hyacinth

  • don't welcome her in! she is not safe! she is dark-skinned! she bears a scar on her face! DON'T!*

"Please come in, you are too wet. Sit here, I'm coming."

"Here take the towel, you can feel at ease but if you could first tell me what brings you here then maybe I can comply or else... I'm sorry I cannot bear a stranger without a cause."

You are too naive being so straight. Some say straight people are too naive and some say they are too rude.

cough! cough! cough!

"Here, drink this!"

"Why should I?"

"Sorry?", I was baffled. Her voice was too soothing and young.

eh? why would this lady talk like this? I was just helping her out! Or, is she scared of me?

"Here, I will have it. Thank you. As you feel conscious of having me around, I too feel conscious before appearing on your doorsteps."

gulp! gulp! gulp!

"I am scary I know, but do I deserve to be neglected or mistreated?"

"No, it is not like that! I was..."

"I know. I can understand from your direct approach how you are. I may not know you but few actions speak louder than words. I too was scared like you were."

"I am sorry if I startled you with my words. I was being cautious. I didn't mean to be harsh..."

"I am followed by 5 men."


To be continued.

""এখনি নামবে বৃষ্টি""

- @chrysanthemum

মৃদুমন্দ গন্ধবহে যেন মিষ্টি সুবাসের প্রীতি,
তোমার অপেক্ষায় উন্মুখ শুকনো পাতারা

ভীড় করে আছে বুনোপথের পাঁজর ভেদ করে।
ঝরে পড়া ফুলেরাও যেন নিবে যাওয়ার আগে
জ্বলজ্বল করছে মেঠোপথটার বাঁকে;
পুরো জৌলুস একবার তোমায় দেখিয়ে
মিটিয়ে নিবে দাধ।
খানিক আগের বৃষ্টির রেশ এখনো মিলিয়ে

সোঁদা মাটির গন্ধে চারপাশটা কেমন ভরে আছে।
তুমি এলে-
এই বুনোমণ্ডল যেন প্রাণ ফিরে পেল।
পাতায় জমানো জলকণারা
তোমার উপর ছড়িয়ে দিল
বৃষ্টির সেই কোমল স্পর্শ।

তুমি আনমনে দুচোখ ভরে
দেখে নিয়েছো সেই
বৃষ্টি শেষের আলোছায়ার খেলা;
আমি অপলক চেয়ে আছি,
মেতে আছি; মন আজ
তাদের চোখে তোমায় দেখছে।

কল্পনার পাখায় ভর করে তোমায় নিয়ে
আজ সে পাড়ি দেবে দু'একটা অচিনপুর!
এই বনপথ, এই ফুলেরা আর বৃষ্টি শেষের
তোমাদের আনন্দ ভাগাভাগির মহোৎসব!
হে প্রিয়ে,
হে সুন্দর;
আর একটু দাঁড়াবে কী?
এখনি নামবে বৃষ্টি!


- @minhajulmredol

I don't know what enmity we have with the fortunes of traveling now. Whenever we plan to have one, we end up canceling somehow in the end. It has been repeated numerous times. When proposed, there will be 10 out of 10 people interested in going. Days pass and people leave the plan for different reasons. In the end, you will find yourself or just a few still interested and that's the actual travel group for you. This kinda situation is very common in friend circle I know. This is sometimes funny to observe. Planning with eight to ten people will not retain the same number of participants as the plan further processes, hehehe. Despite these, some souls stick to the plan no matter what happens, who stay and set out for the destination to quench their thirst.

In our school days, we used to travel without worrying too much about the expenditure or anything behind us. We have even traveled with empty pockets. Sometimes we used to bunk classes and explore new places. Whether it's a local train or the rooftop of the local bus didn't matter to us. We were just concerned about time and our thirst for the new place. Alas! Those days are gone. Responsibilities of life have made that easy path much harder for us, some want to set out but are tied with the busy life. The struggle of life is yet to come and we are getting the heat of that already. Trust me, a tour can reduce that heat pretty amazingly. Recently I just did a refreshing one and I can feel the change within myself. Some time with nature, how beautiful the creation is! Will surely give me pleasure to forget all the stress. So get some souls who are desperate like you and set out for some refreshing moments whenever you get the chance. Live every moment you have got!


- @tajimkhan

প্রায় ১৭৮ বছর আগে একদিন
কাচারি ঘরের পাশের পাকুড়গাছের মগডালে ছিলাম আমি।
আকাশে ছিল একটা মেকি জোছনা।

শাদা ফিনফিনে একটা শাড়ী পরে শেওলা ঘেরা স্যাঁতস্যাঁতে পুকুরপাড়ে তুমি এলে কলসিতে পানি ভরতে। কিন্তু তোমার সাদা শাড়ির লাল পার-আঁচল যে জলে ভিজে যাচ্ছিল তা আমি মেনে নিতে পারছিলাম না।

গাছ থেকেই হাত বাড়িয়ে তোমার আঁচল পানি থেকে সরিয়ে দিতে গেলেই ছুয়ে ফেলি তোমাকে।
বিশ্বাস করো আমি তোমাকে ইচ্ছা করে স্পর্শ করিনি।

সেই স্পর্শের সুখে তুমি যে মূর্ছা যাবে, জ্বীনের আছর নামাতে যে তোমাকে ঝাড়ু পেটা করে, নাকে শুকনা মরিচ দিয়ে, তাবিজের ভারে তোমার মাথা নুইয়ে রাখবে, তা জানলে আমি স্পর্ধা করতাম না।
তিন সত্যি।

""God’s Mistake""

- @shahinaubl

Dear death,

How did you become so emotionless? How could you knock on her door without any sympathy? How could you not look at the little baby in her lap?

Didn't you think twice before erasing that innocent smile? You have given mother a place above all else. How did you take her last breath without a hint?

How you gave her a dark world with so much cruelty. The one who really worshiped you from the heart, yet cruelly, you snatched her away.

Maybe just as you gave your life, death is inevitable and in your hands. She also worked hard to survive; she had a lot of trouble to endure, But still, she loves to live, but you took her life without permission.

Dear God,

The people of this Earth believe in heavenly love. You have made a paradise for her, where she will be like a princess. But unfortunately, it's wrong;

you can't see her smile there. You deliberately gave her a beautiful life, holding the little fingers of which she had forgotten the hardships of her life.

She wanted to live with some beautiful soul; she realized new life in love with everyone; she adapted herself to everything with care, compassion, and sacrifice. You gave her a painful life, but she didn't complain.

Later she would call you in her prayers. She has promised to believe and love everyone. She was under stress, but she did not wish for this painful death. She will never forgive you for taking her away from her child. She is under a kind of stress.

She will cry all the time for the pain of not getting what she wants. She will shed tears because she will never see her child again. Maybe she would curse herself for being too good. You may get angry seeing the helplessness of her family. She would be ashamed to see her family so helpless for her. She wanted to create a reliable place where her child would be cared for.

Dear God,
You may have seen her honesty and love and invited her into your world. But remember that you will fail in her endeavors because a mother cannot love anyone more than her own child. It would be best if you had given life to that beautiful soul.

IMG_20210904_204552 (3).jpg

""Love lost in money ""

- @toushik

No one will understand you. No one will notice your good side, but the bad one will pull forward. The more you give in, the more reflections of sadness and disappointments will occur instead. Care, affection, and love all fall into the trap of money. Money itself can control this. Without cash, your family will not care about you. All you need is money. We need money for happiness, joy, and laughter.

This same money turns someone terrible into good and in the same way from good to bad. You are criticizing for not having money, and you are praising because you have the money. Honestly, it's disrespectful to our humanity, and it shows other animals are more magnificent as creatures than we are. Animals are loyal and beloved; they do not degrade depending on money. They do not even criticize or praise anyone for money.

The worst thing is when your family does the same thing as an outsider would do. It is very hurtful; hatred and anger all come out in the form of tears. My eyes filled with tears expressing the deep wounds of my heart. There is a mixture of feelings, and I can't even show it. It just doesn't make me anything but stupid and worthless.

Yes, I am worthless; I admit that what I have done is not significant and not grateful to the rest of the family members. What I have done so far has not been appreciated by anyone because I have no job, no money; this is what matters to everyone now.

But you know what, I haven't had a rest since morning. I'm on the run from morning till 5 pm now. I just came to you and sat down to express my sorrow. Of course, it will not help, but at least it will give relief. Spending a day will not help solve all the problems; housing loans, electricity bills, and the minor things that haven't been counted. That money dumped all these.

""সভ্যতার কারিগর ""

- @Kinab

𝕰𝖓𝖉 𝕹𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖘

~Do not forget to join our next weekly hangout on at Friday 10 pm GMT +6~


@kinab bhai, the painting sparks to the fullest with the title.
Amazing! It is impossible to forget their contribution building the world as we see it today. Every brick of the civilizations knows the truth. It is their toil that makes the world habitable and paved the way of flourishing humanity.

Hats off man!

Take love....

 3 years ago  

Thanks for the compliment brother 💝

A use case for crypto is always been an upper hand. Maybe we will be able to do that in near future with hive when our countries will start accepting crypto. It has not been many years that people are using services like bkash extensively like today's date. These mobile banking services are doing an outstanding job to ease people's life. Hope to see that with crypto in the future too.

@deepu7 bhai I was feeling like you are reciting this with your Bidrohi voice. Btw It was a good one too, would have been more amazing with your voice. 🥰

If I say about myself, I never take advice from others. But people do take a lot from me, hehe I don't know why maybe they think I am that much capable of giving some good directions. Whatever it is I am always comfortable with taking my own decisions. Even though some of that fail, I still have no regrets about trying my own will.

I think for the first time I have read a short story narrated by the jinn on expressing its feeling. @tajimkhan, Will she forgive him after hearing his intentions? Hehehe.


You are so kind!!!

বাহ! চমৎকার ।এবারের টার্নিটাতে সবগুলো লেখা দারুন হয়েছে।
@chrysanthemum, কবিতাটা সত্যিই অসাধারণ। কবিতার শিরোনামের সাথে শেষ লাইনটার মিল চলনসই।
@kinab,ভাই! এতো সুন্দর ছবিও কেউ আঁকতে পারে??
@tanjimkhan,হাসির ভিটারা উৎপাদক কবিতাখানা ইহা, 😄
@ shahinaubl,খুবই কল্পনাপ্রবন উপস্থাপনা। লেখার শৈলি সুন্দর ও সাবলীল।
@deepu7, ফেরারী, কবিতাটা ছন্দের দিক দিয়ে নান্দনিক।

সর্বোপরি, এবারের টার্নির সবকটি লেখাই ভালো ছিল।এরকম আগের গুলোতে দেখিনি।সবাইকে শুভেচ্ছা ও প্রানঢালা অভিনন্দন। বাংলা কমিউনিটির প্রতি শুভকামনা।
আল্লাহ হাফিজ।

Glad to know that you found this week's issue enjoyable. Btw we do spell Turni=তুর্ণি and bdcommunity=বিডিকমিউনিটি in Bengali.
Thanks for those good wishes and hope to get your feedback on the upcoming issues too.

What is টার্নি?

The thing that turns?

Turni is a cyclic, repetitive post that covers the whole subjects in a fixed timeframe.Thats all I know,the definition of turni would be like this.
What do you say😀?

I don't know what enmity we have with the fortunes of traveling now. Whenever we plan to have one, we end up canceling somehow in the end. It has been repeated numerous times. When proposed, there will be 10 out of 10 people interested in going. Days pass and people leave the plan for different reasons. In the end, you will find yourself or just a few still interested and that's the actual travel group for you. This kinda situation is very common in friend circle I know. This is sometimes funny to observe. Planning with eight to ten people will not retain the same number of participants as the plan further processes, hehehe.

That's also happened with us last time . When we are planning there is 15 members , but at last time we are 10. That's always happens when we are planning for a tour .

Hehehe, it's also amazing to see the reactions after a tour of those who canceled at the last moment.

Sometimes, one good advise is all that is needed for ones life to move towards the right direction.

But then again, not all advises should be followed.

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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Hive Power Up Month Challenge - Winners List
Hive Power Up Month - Feedback from Day 29
Hive Power Up Day - October 1st 2021 - Hive Power Delegation

''জীঞ্জিবন'' এটা কবিতা বলবো নাকি রোমান্টিক গল্প বলবো জানিনা। তবে অনেক রোমান্টিক ছিলো।
@tajimkhan অসাধারণ হয়েছে ভাই। কল্পনার জগৎ টা অনেক বিশাল আপনার। 😊
@deepu7 ভাই, শুদ্ধ সাহিত্য জাগ্রত হবে কোন এক প্রভাতে। আমরাও সেই সময়ের অপেক্ষায় রইলাম।
@minhajulmredol You are right brother. Incidents have happened to me many times. After all the plans are in place, some friends no longer agree. But the journey does not stop us. Even though there are 2 people in the end, we complete the tour.

Onek Dhonnobad bhai! Eita ekta 100 shobder golpo lekhar britha cheshta chilo!

Chaliye jan vai... Valo kisu hobe inshaallah....!