BDCommunity Presents- The Weekly Turni Issue 31

in BDCommunity4 years ago

২৯শে ফাল্গুন ১৪২৭

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖂𝖊𝖊𝖐𝖑𝖞 𝕿𝖚𝖗𝖓𝖎


Sometimes you come across a night that you will remember for a long time. It doesn't have to be a particular day, but sometimes an event makes it unique. During and after the voice meeting on Friday night was one such night at BDC. Rarely have I felt that much energy and keen discussion on any voice meetings. The discussion was mostly centred around the launch and the trading of a defi token, called CUB, but I don't think it was about the token. What I mainly experienced was a promise. It is a promise of financial freedom from a group of primarily young individuals around the blockchain economy. This is most significant, especially during the present time. People are stuck inside their homes largely still. Many have lost their jobs; some are eager to look for one but uncertain and unhappy about the prospects of finding one. Yet others have found a new job but do not like the prospects. Lots of them want to break free from the grind and do something meaningful and on their own. Some are already doing it, and they are inspirations for the rest of them.

This whole dynamic is electrifying to me. I think this is the power of the emerging world, which is now more meaningful than the developed world. The growth may not be by net economic measures but certainly, be intellect and promise. Blockchain-related networking is at the centre of this dynamics. Yesterday some of the BDC stayed up all night, talking crypto, new defi tokens, strategizing investment objective, comparing results, and learning from each other. I saw in one-night the knowledge base of multiple people improved by quite a bit. People got more confident into defi and overall, the new world to micro-finance.

I have always said that it is not about the money; it is about the knowledge, it is about the process, and it is about execution. If you do all that, the money will follow. I might sound like a broken record, and I am confident that I am, but what I have learned over the years that repetition makes it better. Practice doesn't make it perfect; perfect practice makes it perfect. For the last few years, my goal has always been a fair redistribution of wealth. Because, without that, as a society, we will descent into chaos. I think real life in blockchain (yeah, that is a fallacy, isn't it!) is a great equalizer. Here, one can be successful from an apartment in Bangladesh if they put in some hard work, no matter his/her gender, race, social and economic background. Folks at BDC are a living, breathing example of that fact.

So, whether this token rallies or drops. Whether we make a profit or loss on this trade or any other trades, the fact will remain that we are a family, and we are together. We will take care of each other, and we will support, guide, nurture each other to succeed in life. We can't promise riches, but we are hopeful about transcending each other to better humanity.



Cub Nation Declares Independence!

সকল সিংহ শাবকের অবগতির জন্যে জানানো যাচ্ছে যে, আমার এখন থেকে স্বাধীন

𝕾𝖚𝖓-𝕱𝖑𝖔𝖜𝖊𝖗 𝕮𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖞

It has been a long time since I went on a road trip. I blame all the things happening to us in the crypto space is the reason behind it. And most importantly, when you live on crypto, this was supposed to happen. Nevertheless, I had the opportunity to visit a relative and luckily, on the way, I was able to see this particular place.

It was probably becoming a trend in visiting these sort of places. And finally, I am following that trend as well. I must say it was a nice place. But touring this place is a must, is what I think is not precisely accurate. The only reason I stopped and got to roam around the area was that it was really looking excellent from the highway. Seemed like the place was perfectly picked up for attraction.



A closer look, at this natural beauty. This is probably my first time seeing all these Sunflowers all together. In the past, all it was a garden. But from what I can say, it kind of felt very great to be around these beautiful flowers. It seemed so exquisite and mesmerizing when I got closer to them. The spores and all the way they bloomed, it was phenomenal.




My friends and coworkers usually say to me to spend some time outside of work. Honestly, I realize that now. I probably need to visit once in a while, like I used to in the past. But I am kinda penny less now. Why? Don't even ask!

But overall, it was a lovely day to remember! Will look forward to coming up with more of these small tours once in a while! Fingers crossed.

𝕾𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖊 𝕺𝖋 𝖄𝖔𝖚

The Chauvet cave in France has some artifacts from the forgotten time. Most of those artifacts are sculptures of animals, but two of them are of humans. Human female – with massive hips and breasts. I was not surprised to see women in such a manner. The beauty standard of the human body has changed many a time throughout human civilization. But most of our known history – our ancestors kept themselves busy with finding foods. To them, prosperity and fertility were naturally associated with the ability to see or produce food.


A woman's fertility and ability to give birth and raise children were viewed in terms of their physical bulkiness. More, the merrier. Larger hips and breasts, so to speak. This is why male humans are still attracted to female breasts and hips. This is logical from an evolutionary perspective too. Every human being has the animal instinct of producing offsprings and passing down genes. So they're likely to choose a woman who can avail them of that. This idea was still predominant even in the Victorian era. Of course, today, it is unthinkable to consider women as baby factories, but also let us inspect the other side of this spectrum. For a man, an overweight body with a vast belly bod was an indicator of wealth and power, and women found that attractive. To secure her offspring's safe growth. This is why alpha males in the wild have a bigger chance of mating.

So when you see women clinging to successful, wealthy men or men objectifying women for their physical appearance–blame some portion of it on evolution! And those cave artifacts from 32000 years ago should lean the reasoning that way.

𝕮𝖗𝖆𝖟𝖞 𝕹𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙!

What is a crazy time's definition to you? I can't define it, but I would say I had a "Crazy Night" on Friday with the community people.

Cub! Cub! Cub! The first defi project for me to get into. So how's the feeling of tasting a new salt? In a word still feeling like a crazy roller coaster ride. So much hype is going around, and everyone is so much serious about getting into it. From the evening, I was having a feeling of what's coming for the night get-together.

ঢেলে দেই?
দে, যা আছে সব ঢেলে দে।

Everyone was in a mood of investing every bit of money they could accumulate from any corners and put them into the pool. I Was feeling like what the f*** is happening, have everyone gone crazy! Maybe the good projects do the same always in the early stages. It is like "First come first serve"; the earlier you get into it, the more profit rates you taste. For taking early high profits, this craze was going on. What about mine? Even I made my most significant investment on a single project I could have done. Honestly, I didn't even imagine such a considerable investment from my side at this stage of mine. Finger crossed.

You learn from your idols; you follow them and go up with them. I did the same. As they see potential in it, why should I sit idle? Let me contribute too as much as I can do. If something goes left and right will be the same for everyone. It is done; all I am waiting for is another crazy night with them when we all will be satisfied enough with our fantastic investments and happy with the profits.

পেট ভরে তবু মন ভরে না

He was walking around the streets in torn, shabby, dirty clothes, raunchy, messy hair that may serve as a habitat for insects or can be described as a pile of garbage literally. That guy was walking around aimlessly, not that he needed any aim in this life. That's the picture of "sanity in extended vacation". He was laughing as if there's a circus going on all around him. Although to him, the world is a giant circus, and we're the clowns; he somehow slipped out and became an audience; now accepting ourselves as clowns is also madness, so to speak. Even if we admit it to ourselves, we will ignore it in public, calling it an atrocity and ostracizing everyone who speaks out against it.

পাগলে কি না বলে আর ছাগলে কি না খায়,তবে, এই পাগলে কতো কিছুই না বলে আর কতো কি যে খায়।

So, I was looking for a rickshaw to get home when he stopped me in my path. With his bloodshot eyes, he was looking at me as if I didn't fulfil his demands, he'll hex me. Not sure if his hex would work, but a spectacle would be there for sure; I'd be terrified, but he'd still be laughing if that had happened. I told him to take the money and go, but he jerked my hand away. His demands were as outlandish as he was.

"I don't need your money!!" He said, "what will I do with this piece of paper! Give me food."" Okay okay, what do you want to eat?" I asked.
10 loaf of bread (roti) and two bowls of vegetables. That's the menu. Can you imagine a guy eating all that food!! Even the pieces of bread were so big that 2 would have been more than enough. I told him to finish 3 slices of bread and a bowl of vegetables, and if he finished those, then I'll order more. But this guy, no matter how many times I tried to reason with him, never budged one bit. He needed his 10 bread and 2 vegetables like yesterday. So, after failing to come to a bargain, I took him to a nearby roadside cafe. They didn't want to let him in, so they arranged his food outside. I sat nearby, sipping my evening tea, watching him intently as he gobbled his food down the throat. Each time he finished a bread, he laughed loudly, and one by one, he finished 7 bread and 3 bowls of veggies. I was really stunned seeing him go at it, but this crazy didn't tell me to wrap up the rest to takeaway.

As I was about to pay the bills and send him off on his way, a crippled homeless guy came up to me and said, "আফা, আমি দিয়া দেই।" (I'll pay for it). For a few seconds, I silently stared at him, trying to put the puzzle back together, but all I could manage to say was "অ্যাহ?" I couldn't understand the motive behind this action. The crippled said he often pays for this looney from his pocket; whatever he earns, he feeds the guy who is too cheerful in his own made-up world. After paying the bill, I told them to go on their way, and I left with a giant puzzle knawing my thought. "WHAT just happened!"

In this part of the world, we, the so-called ordinary people, avoid these crazy folks; yea, I too avoid. I remember when I was young, once a crazy lady kept staring at me. The expression on her face told me that I'm a cattle; she'd slaughter and cook and eat me whole. I know it sounds crazy, but that's what the little me thought. But this incident has left me thinking about the way of the world; even if I am afraid of crazy folks, there will be someone who will treat them like family.

𝖄𝖔𝖚 𝖉𝖔𝖓’𝖙 𝖍𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝖙𝖔 𝖜𝖎𝖓, 𝖏𝖚𝖘𝖙 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖕𝖆𝖙𝖊.

I have been less friendly since my childhood. I was a very polite and quiet child at that time. I would not take part in any annual school competition. I just enjoyed it, but once the winners were receiving the prize, I wanted to win a prize and show it to my dad. I was sure he would be very proud. Next year, I participate and win, make 3rd place. I showed the prize to my dad and told him that I had won it today. He was happier than I expected for my win.

When I said, it was a 3rd place prize. Then he said, it doesn't matter; what matters is that you win the prize. Do you know what matters more than that? you participated in the competition. These small steps are the main thing. It's not like you competed today and won first place. Participate today; win tomorrow. The minor grades are more potent than the larger ones. So go ahead with small ones. I know you're afraid to participate, I'm telling you, you don't have to win, just participate.

In our daily lives, we make a lot of small achievements which can be count as success. It can be a great way to finish a task to save some money by going somewhere to eat. For the most part, these small successes go unnoticed. We must see and celebrate our small victories. Because by celebrating these successes, we get the confidence to move forward in daily life, the motivation to work.

𝕰𝖓𝖉 𝕹𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖘

Do not forget to join our next weekly hangout on at Friday 11 pm GMT +6


Really reads and looks that you are one of these real cool communities on that blockchain. I see many excellent content - written, designed that add value! I see many good community members that aim to support and improve the blockchain via the blogging "social" platform as well as by curating and advising on tech stuff. I see many community members helping other Hivers outside their community which should not be taken for granted - just today my fellow Rabona opponent @simplifylife helped me on this CUB scenario - very helpful folks. More of you guys and I see this blockchain prosper. Also thanks to your dada - haha

Thank you so much.. we all appreciate it... yes, we try to help others as much as possible... a few try to go beyond their ways to aid the ones who need... Turni is a combined effort and you should see us the night of the publication... all that hype and excitement, it surely motivates us to keep on doing it

Hehe anytime mate!

We always talk about extending our reach beyond just inside the community and help where we can! There's a common belief at the BDC, that there is only one community really - HIVE and we're all part of that community! Which is why we never restrict our community to just native people :) We're always open to anyone who wants to get engaged with the community!

সকল সিংহ শাবকের অবগতির জন্যে জানানো যাচ্ছে যে, আমার এখন থেকে স্বাধীন

Hilarious 😂


What’s wrong @zayedsakib ?? 😂

Shingho shabok bole kotha dada... cub e jibon... "taka mati mati taka" ekhon ar bola jabe na


What’s wrong @zayedsakib ?? 😂

That should not be empty:v

Ok, I can ask them to turn it on!

 4 years ago (edited) 

Cub Nation Declares Independence!

Who's the autocrat?

স্বাধীনতার ঘোষক
জয় হোক জয় হোক !

@simplifylife any thing you might want to add daktar?:v

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Yeah sure, i have time stamped screenshots:3 cant not let our leader not take the credit :vv

I'll let you have the credit this one time 🕴

That night was rightfully special, and it was certainly not about cub (well not only 😀 ), I loved being drunk in the euphoria of staking and scavenging and staking again! A sort of trance that was backed by mutual assurance! It's also about having a great time!

Thanks everyone who were active that night!

And ever night since that night :)

Indeed! I was also quite content seeing each other helping out, passing down knowledge to those who came later and wanted to stake. This chain continued throughout the last couple days!

Getting high on adrenaline is what we do:3

images (36).jpeg

No one said that --__--



I don't see it. Where are the fees? :3

Dont use ':3' on me:3 thats mine to be used only:333



@surrealfia Your experience with the loony was quite extraordinary. There are lives hidden underneath the status quo and you've unearthed one of them! A great find.

I probably said this before, I like how you write! You have elegant prose. :)

Not as good as you though and thank you so much... well, I got to read yours beforehand and it is surprising that how people or society views women have changed so much but equality is still to far to reach out... old days were better? Maybe?

Let's not see them from such an angle, those days were just days. Neither better, nor worse. Mere history we can study and take notes from.
We are not on a journey to save our species anymore after all!

Thank you as well. :)

The discussion was mostly centred around the launch and the trading of a defi token, called CUB!!

পুরো বাংলা লাউঞ্জ CUB ময়:)
I also staked some CUB last Friday. Honestly, I was forced to stake. Whenever I went to bangla lounge and read everyone's conversation, I saw they are discussing about CUB. যার যা আছে সব ঢালো। So I also add some CUB-BUSD LP from my portfolio. Though it is not too much, but enough to going with flow. Since I stacked the CAKE token a few months back, it was awesome. So I staked some CUB without any further delay. Hope for the best.

Perfect practice makes it perfect.

Couldn't agree more.

Hahaha, go with the flow, loss or profit encounter with everyone that's the beauty of unity.

Yes, hoping for the best!

The last BDC voice meeting really was a night to remember. It proved once again that everything is possible when a community comes together. In my case it's the first time I got involved to such a project. The biggest thing about it is that I I've been able to get involved with everyone. Like Sakib bro said-

আমরা স্বাধীনতার চেতনায় বিশ্বাসী
মরলে একসাথে মরবো, আর বাঁচলেএকসাথে:-)

Deepu bhai even yesterday all kept chatting the whole night

Yes, I read those conversations this morning. This is going like crazy and I am a part of it:-)

I was around during the meeting and I must say that I was welcomed well. I didn't understand most of the things that were been talked about but I felt welcome. This is a very inclusive community.

এই অ্যাকাউন্ট টাও নষ্ট , এরপরে যেটা খুলবেন সেটাও নষ্ট হবে । শুধু শুধু টাকা নষ্ট করে লাভ কি?