Let’s flip it on its side :)
I will argue that we don’t understand our friends or enemies enough. Let me tell you the story of Narcissus :)
Narcissus was this beautiful man who used to go by a lake to look into his reflection everyday. One day he fell into the lake and died.
God of the forest who loved Narcissus stopped by the lake to find that the fresh water of the lake turned into salty water. The lake was crying over Narcissus. God said to the lake, oh it’s totally understandable to weep over Narcissus, as you must be fond of Narcissus’s beauty.
Lake said; really? Was Narcissus beautiful? God said; what are you talking about?! He came here everyday to sit by your bank looking into you! You should know all about his beauty.
Lake was silent for a while then said; I cry for Narcissus, but I never noticed that he was good looking. Each time he looked into me, I saw my own beauty reflected into his eyes...
AT LONG LAST DADA.. At last somebody who understands allegory. I was feeling so worthless up untill now.. Nobody seemed to even know who Troilus is!!
I agree a 100% Dada. Tragic tales of friendships are always either told by the victors or gods as narrators. Like, gods like to toy with humams a little too much, dont they?
I know a real life Anindo, the inspiration for my story. A Complex hearty guy living on impulses. Looks hearty when you are standing side by side, not on the flip.
But, if looked from different perspectives, any single object would always wield diffrent results, like Schroedingers Cat. what wouldve happened if মিথি/Cressida came or never left? What if Achilles fell at the hand of Troilus instead of the other way arround? Or if trojan war never happened? Or it was god of revenge instead of god of love. Too many parallel realities but no way to know being stuck inside this one.
I guss gods too learn a thing or two from their puny creations. Wouldve been quite the diffrent picture though if Narcissus looked at a river instead of a lake. Father wouldve saved his son, thats for sure.