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RE: BDCommunity Presents - The Weekly Turni

in BDCommunity4 years ago

I must say “pujo eshe gelo”. I am a deeply atheist person. However, that kashphul sends a message that is much deeper than any religion can penetrate my soul. Growing up in multiple places probably detached me quite a bit from West Bengal, where this is the biggest festival. Now as an expat I don’t get to see it anymore. So thank you for giving me an opportunity to experience my childhood. My life remains neither here nor there!

 4 years ago  

My life remains neither here nor there!

দাদা, উপরের কথাটা অনেক গভীর। আশ্বিনের এই খামখেয়ালি বৃষ্টির মতো ভাবনাগুলোকে কেমন যেন এলোমেলো করে দিল। আনন্দ অথবা বেদনা মিশ্রিত স্মৃতিগুলো বোধহয় এমনই, মানুষকে তাড়িয়ে বেড়ায় আমৃত্যু।

As Bengalis, we love to celebrate different festivals beyond the boundaries of religion. In my childhood, I used to visit different ’Pujo Mondir’ and enjoyed those artistic work. Similarly, during Eid my Hindu friends used to come to my house to celebrate the festival. But today in this busy life, I miss those golden days.