
in BDCommunity3 years ago


The purpose of this blog is to write whatever that is in my mind this morning. I am a bit frustrated and angry. It is rare for me, because I am usually a patient human. Today is Friday, my day off, normally it is good thing, however, today I will have to go to my dentist in a couple of hours and get one of my wisdom tooth extracted. So later this afternoon I will have a bit of less wisdom! This many people tells me is probably actually a good thing for me, no pun intended. A bit of less wisdom will actually be good for me!


I use that above Haruki Murakami quote a lot and actually believe it in my life. However, most people I interact simply doesn't get the meaning of the quote. It would be moronic for me to 'explain' that quote because that defeats the purpose! The trouble is, lets say (and this is factual), yesterday after work, I went to a burger joint to have a chessburger and a beer with my family. At the line, there was a little girl, who was chatty, and she was choosing the burger type to order with her mom. She wanted a 'Truffle Mac&Cheese Hamburger' (its complicated, so don't ask, but it is exactly what it reads like). Her mom said, she can't have it. So I said, okay, I will have that. She then said to me, that I shouldn't, because that was her choice, not mine. So I 'explained' that sometimes, I like to go with the flow without any reason or explanation. I felt like I want to take her choice as fine, and willing to give it a try, so I will. And I did, and I must tell you, as weird as it might sound, the hamburger was awesome! I will try it again.

My point is, there is no explanation, on why I chose that hamburger. Not even to me. But I am glad that I did. I will do it again. However, if you ask me for an explanation, I might try and explain, but it will ruin the experience. This is what lots of people don't get.


So here it is. My bottom left molars. The one to the right is the wisdom tooth that is partially infected. The black stuff in the x-ray is the infection. Also there is bone loss around the edges. So my dentist said, better out than in! I agree. But the reason, I put the photo and the story here, because, all over hive, I often 'explain' why I am doing something that I am doing. Is it right? Is it wrong? I find it rather funny at most times. However, when it comes with an accusation, especially from people, who I consider 'friends' it can and does become annoying.


Explaining the action, which someone doesn't approve, is like pulling tooth. Unfortunately, I will have to go though this in less than an hour. But hey, I am not going to end this note with frustration. I will end this with something positive. My wife and kids will be away this weekend. They are going for a mother-daughter camp for the weekend. Dad is not allowed! This will be a rare time home alone for me for a weekend in years! People without kids can't imagine how gifted this free time could be! I mean, I love my wife and kids, but sometimes I do miss a bit of peace of quiet!! (wink, wink)

I will be heavily medicated this weekend. So I can sit on my couch and drool with a bottle of Bourbon and watch Sleepless in Seattle, followed by Appollo 13, followed by Tora, Tora, Tora!, back to back till cows come home and no-one will say anything to me!! Bring it on I say!!


I don't understand? Can you explain it further? <3

I sure can! "Please bring me my wine"

Explain yourself you felon!! 🤣

I find that a lot of people demand explanations of behaviours in a decentralised blockchain in which you are meant to be the sovereign of your own actions!

Sounds like a top weekend. I always appreciate the peace and quiet of a kid free moment. They are fabulous but sometimes you just need a quiet moment!

Eating some granola now. As likely it will be all liquids next couple of days :) Nothing wrong with that!

Haha, steady old fellow. You might need a hearty breakfast each day then you will be fit for all the liquids!

Big Breakfast! Check!

So, what you are saying is, you probably won’t remember any conversations you’ll have this weekend?


Well, this certainly opens up all sorts of possibilities.

Yeah! As long as they are not "written conversations"! Yeah :)

Don't they give you a general for wisdom extraction these days? I hate to tell you.., but it's not pleasant.., not speaking from personal experience, but I have seen someone in hospital and the after-effects this 'op' has.

Oh no! Sorry to hear that, @azircon - that infection looks nasty!

I hope you and @slobberchops don't mind - I had to chime in here with my horror story, as my dentist performed my wisdom teeth op "old school" i.e. under local. He told me - in exacting detail - exactly how the 30 min op under general is done, and we both agreed that it wasn't the right option for me, especially as one out of my four wisdom teeth was so badly impacted into my jaw bone, it took two dentists to remove it (at one time, one of them had to kneel on my chest) leaving me with sixteen stiches in the lower left part of my mouth.

Glad it went so quickly and smoothly, @azircon - here's to your speedy recovery!

Annabelle 🤕

I have actually heard similar horror stories. A close friend, still have tingling sensation in her jaw almost all the time, and probably for life. My wife had to do full body anesthesia, and was in wheelchair the next day.

Thankfully mine is over under 30 min, and just took a single push and pull as per my dentist. He said that he didn't expect it to be that easy!

Will see how I heal. Finger crossed.

Oh that's good to hear! My fingers are crossed too!

and I am happy to report that extraction is done. Only took 30 min, including the time to apply anesthesia. Dentist said, it should be easy, will see, fingers crossed

Yeah. I know. I have several horror stories. I had personal previous experience too! And it was alright.

Fingers crossed. Keeping that Bourbon handy :)

today I will have to go to my dentist in a couple of hours and get one of my wisdom tooth extracted. So later this afternoon I will have a bit of less wisdom!

Heh...??! I can't get my head around how good this bad joke is dada!! Somehow reminds me of those good old days of wise old men lol!

Tooth is out doc. So I am definitely less wise now :)

আমার তো আক্কেল দাঁত সবগুলা উঠলই না দাদা, আমার কি হবে? When will I be wise?

As there is no wise old man, doc, that quest is futile :)

Then I need to get wise faster while I'm still young. C'mon wisdom tooth!

So I can sit on my couch and drool with a bottle of Bourbon and watch Sleepless in Seattle, followed by Appollo 13, followed by Tora, Tora, Tora!

My wife bought herself a just-for-ladies theatre play ticket. So yesterday, I started watching Jack Reacher on Amazon when she's gone; without her telling me "Let's watch something more fulfilling!" 😁

Dude!! If Jack Reacher is not fulfilling I don't know what is!! Adding it after Tora Tora Tora!

 3 years ago  

People without kids can't imagine how gifted this free time could be!

I've been married for just over a year now, and even I already know how rare and important this bit of "free time" is hahaha.

Well you are ahead of the curve then!

 3 years ago  

I guess so dada, haha.

Beware of ye olde dry socket. Very painful. Might want to have some oil of clove on standby with some gauze or mini cotton balls. Mine hit at 4am and I learned the hard way. The pills didnt touch it. You can thank me later.

yeah, my dentist warned me about that, and yes I have them on standby! No idea, who to prevent it though.

Anything that can dislodge the scab basically can cause it like bending over and/or lifting. Drinking from a straw causes suction that can do it as well. I was setting landscape pavers and learned my lesson lol.

Explanations often have nothing to do with our in the moment behavior anyway. We generally behave without intention, in that, we rarely intend to do things before we do them. Instead we act in a reactive way - i.e. we react to what is happening in the moment. Then, after the fact, we explain our behavior. If someone asks why we did something, we can always come up with an explanation or a story of why we did what we did, but the explanation is often based on a lot of bullshit pychological stuff that we are unaware of, like for instance, who we think we are and how a person like us should/would behave in such a situation, and all that nonsense. But in reality these are actually just backwards rationalizations. They are the stories we tell ourselves and others in order to maintain our identity, i.e. our sense of self.

generally agree, explanation is often a later construct. Makes it terribly complicated

This weekend would be interesting for you
(Thinking what I would do If I get a week alone xD)

every explanation every time is not very controlled. Cheers

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for that we have blockchain :D

For everything else there is Mastercard

Having tooth issues too. I am reluctant to remove the tooth--it is almost gone. so I am just going through the motion of letting my tooth decompose in my mouth. disgusting? yep. My intuition over that of a professional dentist. I can't explain it, the more I try the more I confuse you.

better take care of it soon enough

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I recently had all my teeth removed. I no longer have problems with my teeth.

good for you, no problem at for you in that case

Teeth are overrated

LMAO. Sorry mate, you had to go through that experience. I have had 4 wisdom tooth extractions. Can you believe it? All of them came out in a weird direction and gave me a lot of pain & misery. Never liked going to the dentist. Sucks bigtime but it's better than being in pain! Toothaches are the worst.

The best part about extractions is that you can have a lot of ice-cream afterwards :' )

People without kids can't imagine how gifted this free time could be!

LMAO. True. Enjoy the golden period. I am a father of an 18-month-old kid and totally relate to this.

"All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone,"

~ Blaise Pascal.

It is not extracted. Still numb, but I am sure the pain is coming. Taking painkillers like snacks :)

Sip bourbon with the painkillers and you should be fine. :')

That sounds really painful. And it is a huge health issue. People can actually die from that. And historically a lot of people went crazy and died because there was no treatment or surgery...

Glad you are getting it taken care of and you will be back on the mend.

Have a nice day from me and puppy dog and hopefully this picture will put a smile on your face.

And hopefully my puppy dog won't play the knockdown game with your glass of wine.


I completely and totally understand.

Last year having my molars removed, changed my life.

Last year I was incredibly angry and upset and then I was diagnosed with having a massive infection in my impacted molars. I ended up having all four of them taken out with surgery.

I lived for years with this huge raging infection in my mouth. I didn't realize how much pain I was in and how much pain constantly I was in as well as a destruction of my health.

Absolutely this surgery saved my life. And as a result I'm able to see and think a little bit more clearly. And it's still process for me to slow down and think about things

Anyway I'd like to say I'm sorry for my behavior yesterday. A year later and I'm still learning and trying to be a better person and not go crazy and self-destruct.

Lately I've been really stressed with starting my own nonprofit and getting the 51c3 paperwork done by a team of tax lawyers. I have luckily been able to raise with my hard work posting here 50+% of this month's payment! Which just the sheer stress of this opportunity coming true is pretty phenomenal.

So I'm just trying to do the best I can. And I'm sending prayers and strength your way for you to get over this. That was my biggest fear was just getting it done. Ironically the post surgery pain was really nothing compared to what I put myself through for years.

There is a picture of my amazing puppy dog or dropping the ball on my hand and we are going to go out and throw the ball for him a couple of hundred times. Hopefully you have an amazing day and get better soon.
