Walked alone!

in BDCommunity3 years ago


I've been pretty quite since I was a kid. I never liked too much hue and cry. Even I avoided festivals. I grew up very simply. I have never been able to adapt to the glamor. That's why I didn't have too many friends. Nowadays people do not like to live a simple life at all. Everyone has an attraction towards glamorous life. Maybe that's why I'm feel so hesitate in adopting to the people around me.

I used to see from school life that most of my friends have boyfriends. But I never had any interest in these things. I used to avoid these. Although my family was not conservative at all. After completing my graduation, I was asked to get married from my home. Since I didn't have a boyfriend, so I had no reason to object. I left the responsibility to my family of finding my life partner.
That's why they started arranging marriage. Within a few days one of our relatives sent us a marriage proposal. The boy was a civil engineer and only child of his parents. After hearing everything, my family asked them to come to our house. Then they come to our house. This is the first time I've seen him. My parents have seen his picture before. But I couldn't see the picture because of my shyness.
I liked him at first sight. He looked very gentle and when I talked to him, I fell in love. I wondered how a man could speak so beautifully. We got engaged that day. I was so happy and continuously thanked to Almighty for fulfilling my wish such a nice way.
Our marriage was consummated a few days after the engagement ceremony. It was going well for sometime after the marriage. But after that, everything seems to be ruined. My husband and his family did not like simplicity at all. They used to tease me. I tried hard to change my self. But after many attempts, I did not succeed. I am what I am. Why would I change myself for someone else? In this way, I have been living with him for one year. After that it was not possible. He didn't want me either and I couldn't change myself for him. Then we become separated. I think it's better to be happy separately than to be worst together.