Mental Health

in BDCommunity3 years ago



Yesterday I witnessed a tragic incident on social media. As an eyewitness to such incident, I was not prepared at all. At night when I was scrolling my social media account, suddenly I noticed someone ( a middle aged gentleman) was in live and everyone was sharing this in different groups. I saw him holding a gun in his hand and aimed it at his forehead. I was wondering what the guy was actually going to do. Just thinking about it, the guy shoots himself in just a few seconds.

Later I found out through several links on social media, he was famous businessman, Who lived alone in his own flat. Although he lived alone, He had a wife and children. His son is in Australia with his mother and wife. His daughter is married and lives in the same town with her husband. From all the information it is clear that he had a happy family. Then why did he have to choose the path of suicide?

It was clear from his word before he died that he was mentally disturbed. He was broken from his surroundings. His children were far away from him. In fact they didn't come to see Dad all year round. His wife also left him and lived abroad with her son. Thinking about this, his father became weak day by day. Even a few years ago, he was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Despite being so ill, there was no one to look after him. He was extremely frustrated with all this. Although there are more ancillary issues, mainly for these reasons that he committed suicide.

We are becoming more robotic day by day. With the advancement of technology, our inner emotions seem to be running out. We're so busy with our devices all day that there's no time for our parents these days. We put ourselves in so much competition that we are not willing to spend an hour for our loved ones. But people close to us specially our parents have such expectations. But we have become so preoccupied with establishing ourselves that we no longer see their emotions. I never support suicide. But have to find out the factors that are responsible for committing suicide and we need to keep an eye on the mental health of the people around us. Then maybe no one will commit suicide anymore out of frustration.