....English Version....
A Healthy and Unexpected Green. For some time now my rhythm of life in terms of food has changed completely; my problems with allergies, insulin resistance and thyroid, have led me to have a super healthy life based on extremely healthy foods and beverages made in the same style. Certainly this change has been positive and unfortunate; and it is the reality, things must happen to us to be able to react; however, we move forward and that is what is important.
Therefore, today I present a delicious preparation, one of those healthy, energetic and that fill us with a lot of life; an explosive combination based on cucumber, cilantro, peach, melon and frozen fruit salad. On the other hand, I say that it is an unexpected green, because despite having ingredients where pedromina a different color to green; at the end you will realize what I say. Now, with cucumber we can enjoy a natural diuretic, it is an antioxidant and gives us a lot of energy.
Cilantro, also diuretic, provides iron and is very healthy; peach, beneficial for the digestive and cardiovascular system; antioxidant and really delicious. Melon; diuretic, laxative, antioxidant, provides many minerals and vitamins; on the other hand, frozen fruit salad, containing watermelon, passion fruit, pineapple, melon, provides many nutrients. Really, this is a healthy combination and as I always say, I am not a doctor, but based on my experience with the consumption of these ingredients and by visiting them; they have caused in me very positive effects. Well friends, let's get to the preparation.

Cover Edited in Canva
....What I need....
Here we present the fabulous ingredients to obtain an incredible and explosive result; don't miss it, your body will thank you:
- Half a cucumber.
- 50 grams of cilantro.
- 2 peaches
- 100 grams of melon.
- 50 grams of frozen fruit salad.
- 400 milliliters of water.
- 1 teaspoon of sugar for diabetics.

.... Procedure 1....
We start adding in the blender the half cucumber with its shell; we continue adding the cilantro. This does not stop, because we go to the fruit salad and then to the melon. Immediately, we cut the peaches with all and shell and also go to the blender; finishing with the sugar and all the water; we cover and blend until everything is compact.

.... Procedure 2....
Once everything is well blended, we take the blender and the pitcher, adding the contents in the strainer; we strain and thus separate all the lumps.

....Let's Serve and Taste....
With everything ready; now we are going to serve this juice that has turned green, this color predominated despite the color of the other ingredients. But we go ahead, we serve and see that beauty, a sensational color and when you taste it; the flavor is equally incredible, you can really feel all the flavors, each one with its special touch. A flavor that is not acidic, but totally balanced; you simply must try it, because it has turned out incredible, greetings and see you soon my friends.

Photographs taken by me and Militza Nuñez
Use of the Deepl translator to translate texts into English
....Versión En Español....
Un Verde Saludable e Inesperado. Desde hace algún tiempo mi ritmo de vida en cuanto a alimentación ha cambiado por completo; mis problemas de alergias, resistencia a la insulina y tiroides, me han llevado a tener una vida super saludable basada en comidas sumamente sanas y bebidas elaborasas con el mismo estilo. Ciertamente este cambio ha sido positivo y lamentable; y es la realidad, deben pasarnos cosas para poder reaccionar; sin embargo, seguimos adelante y eso es lo importante.
Por ello, hoy les presento una preparación deliciosa, de esas saludables, energéticas y que nos llenan de mucha vida; una combinación explosiva a base de pepino, cilantro, melocotón, melón y ensalada de frutas congeladas. Por otra parte, digo que es un verde inesperado, ya que a pesar de tener ingredientes donde pedromina un color diferente al verde; al final se darán cuenta de lo que les digo. Ahora, con el pepino podremos disfrutar de un diurético natural, es antioxidante y nos brinda mucha energía.
El cilantro, igualmente diurético, proporciona hierro y es muy saludable; el melocotón, beneficioso para el sistema digestivo y cardiovascular; antioxidante y realmente delicioso. El melón; diurético, laxante, antioxidante, suministra muchos minerales y vitaminas; por otro lado, la ensalada de frutas congeladas, contentiva de sandía, maracuyá, piña, melón, aporta muchos nutrientes. Realmente, esta es un combinación saludable y como siempre digo, no soy médico, pero basado en mi experiencia con el consumo de estos ingredientes y por la visita a los mismo; han causado en mi efectos muy positivos. Bueno amigos, nos vamos a la preparación.

Portada Editada en Canva
....Que Necesito....
Aquí presentamos los fabulosos ingredientes para obtener un resultado increíble y explosivo; no te lo pierdas, tu cuerpo te lo agradecerá:
- Medio pepino.
- 50 gramos de cilantro.
- 2 melocotones
- 100 gramos de melón.
- 50 gramos de ensalada de frutas congeladas.
- 400 mililitros de agua.
- Una cucharadita de azúcar para diabéticos.

.... Procedimiento 1....
Iniciamos agregando en la licuadora el medio pepino con su concha; seguimos añadiendo el cilantro. Esto no para, porque vamos con la ensalada de frutas y luego con el melón. De inmediato, cortamos los melocotones con todo y concha e igualmente va a la licuadora; finalizando con el azúcar y toda el agua; tapamos y licuamos hasta que todo quede compacto.

.... Procedimiento 2....
Ya con todo bien licuado, tomamos la licuadora y la jarra, agregando el contenido en el colador; colamos y así separamos todos los grumos.

....Vamos a Servir y Degustar....
Ya con todo listo; ahora vamos a servir este jugo que ha quedado verde, este color predominó a pesar del color de los otros ingredientes. Pero seguimos adelante, servimos y vean esa belleza, un color sensacional y al probarlo; el sabor es igualmente increíble, realmente se sienten todos los sabores, cada uno con su toque especial. Un sabor que no es ácido, pero totalmente equilibrado; sencillamente ustedes deben probarlo, porque ha quedado increíble, saludos y nos vemos pronto mis amigos.

Fotografías tomadas por mí y Militza Núñez
Use of the Deepl translator to translate texts into English
Posted Using INLEO
Este post ha sido curado por el equipo Hive Argentina | Participa en nuestro Trail de curación.
Muchas gracias muchachos y chicas, un abrazo
Delegations welcome! You've been curated by @amazingdrinks!
Thanks for your support
Lovely fresh food and fruit that keep your body fresh😊
That's right, a very healthy and energetic drink. It really helps to keep the body healthy. Thanks for your support
The title is correct the "unexpected green ".
Judging from the beautiful colors of fruits that I saw, one won't expect to have green color as the final result but here you have an amazing green juice.
Hope you enjoyed the drink?
I totally agree, it was really very good and of course I liked it, I took it all, greetings.
This is a wholesome good healthy blend dear friend. Lovely combination.
Thanks for sharing with us 🥰💕
That's right amiga, very tasty, healthy and easy to prepare. Greetings
You are welcome friend 😇