Let's make a warm drink from aloe vera.

in Amazing Drinks2 months ago

What do you think about this aloe vera. Aloe vera or known by its Latin name Aloe Vera has many benefits for the body and in the beauty process, but apparently not everyone likes aloe vera mucus which is a little annoying because it is considered disgusting and the smell is a bit strange and it also tastes like that. But who would have thought that this aloe vera could be made into a drink with a delicious taste and the uncomfortable taste of aloe vera is gone and when you don't see the porosity you will never think that it is aloe vera. And this drink is very refreshing and can warm the body. And to make this drink I will give the recipe below. Come on, let's read together.

Required materials

1. 2-3 aloe vera fronds (depending on the size of the aloe vera fronds you have, if the aloe vera fronds you have are large, just 1 aloe vera frond is more than enough.)

2. 30 grams of ginger

3. 250 ML water (the water used is water that is suitable for drinking because I will only make the drink slightly boiling)

4. A little palm sugar (the palm sugar used here is only to eliminate the unpleasant taste of aloe vera. And using palm sugar is the best solution for that.)

5. 7 mint leaves

6. Two stalks of lemongrass.

How to make

1. Wash the aloe vera then peel the skin of the aloe vera then take the flesh and put it in a blender

2. The second step I took was to clean the ginger, then I cut it thinly and I put it in the blender along with the aloe vera that was added first.

3. After that, mix it with water then blend until smooth.

4. After I blended it, I transferred it to a pan and after that I put the mint leaves in it

5. After that, don't forget the palm sugar that I have prepared

6. Then I crushed the lemongrass so that the aroma came out and I also put it in the pan

7. Then cook over medium low heat until it boils slightly

8. Then strain and you can enjoy this warm aloe vera drink.

Believe me, if you don't like aloe vera in any form, I also experienced this before, but it turns out that proper processing is very helpful in making aloe vera not lose its function or benefits, while the uncomfortable feeling in aloe vera disappears, replaced by the taste of palm sugar and warmth, jehe and the smell of lemongrass.
You can prove it yourself to make this drink. Greetings from maytom, Indonesia


This is an amazing drink with many health benefits. Well done!

I find soaking the aloe for twenty four hours before consuming it will remove all of the bitter sap inside and makes it better and safer for consumption. As you say, proper processing is helpful and important.

I have never tried your way. Next time I will try this aloe vera management method with your version. Thank you @futuremind

aloin inside of the plant, because it can be toxic if too much is ingested.My pleasure @maytom. Aloe is one of the most healing medicinal plants in nature. It's important to know about the

it is very difficult to process aloe vera

One of my favorites my friend. Aloe vera is so healthy.