Taking Care of Our Immune System
A warm greeting friends of Amazing Drinks, a healthy option to strengthen our immune system, we will always find it in fruit smoothies. The new year has begun and it has started with a cold front, where we are immune, if we have low defenses. I always take the precaution of eating citrus fruits to strengthen my body and prevent other diseases. These days I had to go shopping for some fruits and I found these beautiful strawberries, bigger than usual. Although I love to eat them whole, I reserved a few to prepare a smoothie for the whole family.
Cuidemos Nuestro Sistema Inmunológico
Un saludo caluroso amigos de Amazing Drinks, una opción saludable para fortalecer nuestro sistema inmunológico, siempre la vamos a encontrar en los licuados de frutas. Comenzó el año nuevo y ha empezado con un frente frío, donde somos inmunes, si tenemos las defensas bajas. Siempre tengo la precaución de ingerir frutas cítricas para fortalecer mi cuerpo y prevenir otras enfermedades. En estos días me tocó salir de compras por algunas frutas y me encontré estas hermosas fresas, más grandes que de costumbre. Aunque me fascina comerlas enteras, reservé unas cuantas para preparar un licuado para toda la familia.
My main idea is to mix it with guava, which is also another fruit that I love to eat alone. Since the beginning of the year, I have already been preparing it. Since today is a day to share, I have decided to make a juice that benefits the whole family that has a lot of nutrients, which help us to increase our defenses, especially for its vitamin C content. And fiber, which favor our intestinal health, another advantage is that both fruits help to improve the daily collagen for skin and bones. A drink that we can ingest daily and at any time, it is very delicious and when beaten the result is very creamy.
Mi idea principal es mezclarla con guayaba, que también es otra fruta que me encanta comer sola. Desde que comenzó el año, ya la he estado preparando. Dado que hoy es un día para compartir, he decidido realizar un jugo que beneficie a toda la familia que posea una gran cantidad de nutrientes, que nos ayudan a aumentar las defensas, sobre todo por su contenido de vitamina C. Y de fibra, que favorecen nuestra salud intestinal, otra ventaja es que ambas frutas ayudan a mejorar el colágeno diario para la piel y huesos. Una bebida que la podemos ingerir a diario y en cualquier momento, es muy deliciosa y al batirla el resultado es muy cremoso.
2 medium guavas
150 grams of strawberries
½ liter of water
3 tablespoons of sugar
2 guayabas medianas
150 gramos de fresas (lavadas y desinfectadas)
½ litro de agua
3 cucharadas de azúcar
We start by washing the strawberries and guavas. Cut the fruit into small pieces, so that the blender can process them easily.
Comenzamos lavando las fresas y las guayabas. Cortamos la fruta en trozos pequeños, para que la licuadora procese con facilidad.
In the blender add the water and the chopped fruits, then the sugar, add the sugar to taste, taking into account that they are two sweet and tasty fruits, blend until a homogeneous mixture is obtained, then add the sugar.
En la licuadora agregamos el agua y las frutas picadas, seguidamente el azúcar añadimos el azúcar a nuestro gusto, tomando en cuenta que son dos frutas dulces y de buen sabor, Licuamos hasta que obtener una mezcla homogénea, seguidamente colocamos.
Now serve and taste.
Ahora servimos y degustamos.
Posted Using INLEO
I love strawberries and it's wonderful health benefits. This drink looks tasty and delicious. 😋
@ladyfoth Thanks friend, yes strawberries are a source of nutrients.
Que buena combinación, las fresas son deliciosas y ricas en vitamina C, las guayabas también, y justo son especiales para fortalecer el sistema inmunológico. Saludos.
@hylene74 Hola, así es amiga.👍
In my region, strawberries aren't growing at the moment, so I can't find any in stores. That said, I also think it's a good indicator of what to eat. Seasonal fruits and vegetables that grow in my area are meant to help my body cope with the current weather. There's an abundance of green vegetables as well as citrus fruits.
@genesisledger If that is the option that we also have, to eat those that are in season, however here the markets always have a variety of fruits that are imported and others that are produced in our country.
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