
in Deschooling Library2 years ago
Authored by @Larken Rose

by Larken Rose on Larken Rose
Reparations View my bio on Vigilante.TV:

I think your great, great, great grandfather's brother's business partner did something mean to my great, great, great grandmother's friend, so you owe me $5 in reparations, which you can pay me...

…via PayPal by sending to “”

...via CashApp to ""
…via Ethereum by sending to 0x17B1a254aedB9d175C1830C032a0bb0eaCC1c0f5
…via Bitcoin (BTC) by sending to 14iFFXtoy1xmMBoapCphAiTnPW1bQP2KBM
...via BitcoinCash (BCH) by sending to
...or via Monero by sending to
47AaNvMpGYSe7xBeRL6RqXZgtJgDEnivyJvHS8icxncYUmSyZJbh9y3FfjztSZUg7BejcGq3E3eSufkPYoPSW4cZKmJyrcT …via Venmo by sending to @Amanda-Rachwitz

Or by old-school "snail mail":

Larken Rose

Phoenix, AZ 85022 610 E Bell Road, #2-171

Check out today’s video..!


Being of German decent I firmly believe I'm owed reparations due to the crime against humanity that was the Eisenhower Death Camps in which millions of Germans after the war were enclosed in huge areas and left to die due to no food and water. Not really, but my point is everyone has been wronged and I refuse to act like a b**ch and a victim in order to get a free handout.