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RE: Curator Cat: Shangri and Nala Getting Comfortable in the Mom-Hooman's Office!

in HiveCats6 months ago (edited)

Trying to get back to emotional stability here. There is a guilt aspect mixed in with the sadness of the loss. I will post about it this coming weekend.

Your kits spent the first most important weeks of their life. The imprint months in cages at the kaotic shelter. Your rescue was in the nick of time as they are still impressionable.

We have rescued a couple in the past that were nearly a year and a few others that had near death starts ( eyes infected shut, one had spent a year in a house being attacked by a bully cat)

Those cats took years to come out of their shells and trust again. We still see signs of the psych damage.

The lottery has been won. No doubt about it for them. ❤️