Hey there fellow cat lovers. Did you know that cats can improve your health?
Cats can lower stress and anxiety. Cat owners surely know playing with their cat can make them feel so much better. Scientific evidence also shows that a cats purr can calm your nervous system and lower your blood pressure. It'll be your ideal pet especially if you suffer from stress and anxiety!
They can also improve your cardiovascular health. Cat owners have been reported to carry a lower risk for heart disease and stroke.
Prevent from allergies. Cat hair is one of the most common alergies as you know, however if a child is exposed to cats within the first years of life, they are more likely to develop an immune system that combats not only cat allergies but other kinds of allergies as well!
They can also reduce feeling of loneliness. Cats make great companion animals. They offer an unconditional love that can be equal to many human friends and confidants.
Authors: Kai Lundgren and Robert Segal M.A.
I really like alot your little text!.... It's true, having cats is a factor of improvement for physical and psychological health.... I could not imagine my life without cats, I feel very accompanied and relaxed thanks to them. The house can have many people, but cats are always "a separate universe".