Here is the rough design.

Using a 0.5mm non elastic fish string, I fold it in half. Leave a space that's enough to be hooked. Then, flatten the crimp bead and make sure the bead and string is secured.

Now, start stringing the beads after the crimp bead

At the end, string two more crimp beads, string over a hair pin so that it can stay as a loop, string into the crimp beads again and a few more beads like the picture below

Flatten the crimp beads at the end, then cut off the excess fish string, and it will look something like below. Now the fish string suppose to be quite secure.

Then, I made two more little trinkets like below.

Ready to assemble them.


Thank you for reading!
Hope you have a nice day! ❤️
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Hey friend, your keychain is lovely. I genuinely like it. Remember to read the community rules through the pinned posts.
Let me know if you have any questions. Cheers
Thank you for liking it!
I'll read the rules 🙌
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