Cat Surprise, Arte Manual DIY / Art DIY (ENG/ESP)

in DIYHub2 months ago

Welcome to a new adventure, on this new occasion I will present you a new project titled.
cat surprise
In which I will demonstrate step by step how anyone who has the desire and determination to create can always make it possible.
Without further ado, join me once again on this new journey.

Bienvenidos a una nueva aventura, en esta nueva ocasión les presentare un nuevo proyecto titulado.
Gatito sorpresa
En el que demostrare paso a paso como cualquiera que tenga las ganas y la determinación de crear, puede hacerlo siempre posible.
Sin mas que acotar acompáñame una vez mas en esta nueva travesía.

Reveal spoiler

This design is inspired by:
Este diseño esta inspirado en: image.png

uGIF Generated with Tenor in Peakd

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This is a very simple craft to make; all we will need are:

  • scissors
  • construction paper in the preferred color for the kitten
  • foam in the preferred color to make a surprise card
  • glue or silicone

We need to make the kitten in parts, as I have shown in the images; add your details, then cut them out. It's very easy to do, and you can customize it as you like. For those who are more creative, you can make dinosaurs, puppies, and countless other designs. I chose this one because I think it is easier to make.

Esta es una manualidad muy sencilla de realizar todo lo que vamos a necesitar son:

  • tijeras
  • cartulina de el colore de preferencia para el gatito
  • foami de color de preferencia para hacer tarjeta sorpresa.
  • pegamento o silicon.

debemos hacer un gatito en partes como se los e dejado en las imágenes hacerle sus detallitos luego cortarlas, es muy sencillo de realizar y pueden hacerlo a su gusto, para a aquellos que son mas creativos pueden hacer dinosaurios, perrito un sin fin de diseños yo elegí este por que me parece mas sencillo de realizar.



This kind of craft is the beginning for future foldable stories; normally, this technique is to make storytelling more dynamic with interaction. However, it has its variations, such as gift cards or dedications. I decided to start making these kinds of things because I am very interested in interacting with something being created that not only looks nice but also serves a function.

Esta clase de manualidad es el comienzo para futuros cuentos plegables, normalmente esta técnica es para hacer mas dinámico el contar una historia con interacción sin embargo posee sus variables la cuales son tarjetas de regalos o dedicatorias, decidí empezar a hacer este tipo de cosas ya que me llama mucho la atención interactuar con algo que se este realizando y tenga uno función no solo que se vea bonito.

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Taking a break before continuing to draw is very valuable. Creativity and concentration are essential, and a break can improve your performance. By stepping away from paper, you give your mind a chance to recover, which can lead to new ideas and perspectives.

GIF Generated with Tenor in Peakd

Tomar un descanso antes de seguir dibujando es muy valioso. La creatividad y la concentración son esenciales, y un descanso puede mejorar tu rendimiento. Al alejarte del papel, le das a tu mente la oportunidad de recuperarse, lo que puede llevar a nuevas ideas y perspectivas.

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THIS IS THE FINAL RESULT FOR YOU TO APPRECIATE. If you like, you can check out my YouTube channel where I upload all my work as well as the creation process and the step-by-step of many of my works. REGARDS AND BLESSINGS.

si gustan pueden pasarse por mi canal de Youtube alli subo todos mis trabajos asi como el proceso de creacion y el paso a paso de muchas de mis obraS. SALUDOS Y BENDICIONES.

I hope you like each of my works and enjoy, as much as I do, making and creating day after day a world which expands design after design.
Thank you all very much for visiting the publication! I am very grateful for your time and interest. Your visits and comments are truly appreciated and mean a lot to me. I hope you found the information useful and keep coming back for more interesting content. Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions!

Espero sea de su agrado cada uno de mis trabajos y se disfruten al igual que yo haciendo y creando día tras día un mundo el cual va en expansión diseño tras diseño.
¡Muchas gracias a todos por visitar la publicación! Estoy muy agradecido por su tiempo e interés. Sus visitas y comentarios son verdaderamente apreciados y significan mucho para mí. Espero que hayan encontrado la información útil y que sigan regresando para más contenido interesante. ¡No duden en compartir sus pensamientos y opiniones!

GIF Generated with Tenor in Peakd

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Well, from here I say goodbye, I hope you like my work like I do every day that I see and know that there are people dedicated to commenting on me and giving me encouragement to continue.

Bueno desde acá me despido espero les agrade mi trabajo, como yo cada día me agrado por ver y saber que hay gente dedicada a comentarme y darme aliento para seguir.

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Grateful to all of you who are also part of my life. 💖

Agradecido con todos ustedes que tambien forman parte de mi vida. 💖

Que la luz sea la llave que guie vuestros corazones.


May the light be the key that guides your hearts.

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Considera unirte a nuestro trail de curación en HIVEVOTE haciendo click en la imagen inferior, Les agradecemos todo el apoyo.

A todos los artistas ahí afuera en HIVE, si alguna vez se sienten solos y perdidos, unanse al canal de discord de Bokura No Digital World
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In this post I loved even the cat gifs you used hahaha. Brother, you are a great artist, something that could be small you do it with greatness, and for the dedication you put to each work, congratulations and thank you very much for choosing our DIYHub Community to share this cat surprise 🙏

untitled.gifThe @diyhub community has always been very attentive and receptive to my posts. A plus is that its members or community show their support by leaving their opinion and support by commenting. I thank you personally since these gestures, like the ones you do as a member of said community, motivate me. to continue improving and showing what we are capable of doing with our imagination, which has no limits!!

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'Conectando Ideas y Comunidades'

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 2 months ago  

There is no way not to enjoy the works you share on DIYHub, they are excellent and the presentation you do it with a lot of style. Congratulations for being so great and thank you so much for being part of our community.

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que belleza, me encanto, está genial!

what a beauty, I love it, it looks great!