Duck made of clay.

in DIYHub2 months ago

Hi friend's,
I am @rasel72. From #Bangladesh.

How are you all ? Hope you all are well. Alhamdulillah I am fine too. Once again I appeared among you with another new post of mine. Today I am with you with another new die post of mine. Today I will show you how to make a duck out of clay. Let's start-

Duck made of clay.


  1. Clay is of different colors.


First I bought different color clays from the market.


Now first I took the yellow color clay and then made it like a round ball with the help of hand. Then I made a long roll with it. As in the picture.


Now patch some parts of the roller and make it round like in the picture.


Now round the head and make the face of the duck.


Now I made the smile's lips and eyes with orange, black and white color clay.


In this way I made a smile with three more colors of clay in the same manner.

This is the end of the clay duck making today Hope you all like it. Everyone will be fine, stay healthy. See you again with my new die post.

Thank you everyone for visiting my post.