Making a Christmas tree design earing. | DIY |

in DIYHub4 months ago

Hello beautiful people in this amazing and creative community,it's been an inspiring week for me as am preparing towards Christmas.
Today I felt better and i decided to create an earing.

The idea of creating a Christmas tree was the initial thoughts i had,but later, a thought of creating it through an earing design came into my mind.
I guess it was a unique idea,so i decided to try it out.

Here are the materials:

  • Gold Wire from
  • Red color beads
  • Green color crystal beads
  • Plier

First step

The first steps i took was quite easy
I selected four green crystal beads ,i got the wire and i fixed them through it

I intercepted the Wire through two beads and cross it through

Next step
I took the red beads ,i selected four from it and i fixed it through the wire and i took the free side ,i crossed it through.

Next step
I selected three more red beads and i fixed it through the wire ,i cross it through each side
Just as i did with the previous one

Next step
I kept reducing the number of the beads as i went futher.
This time around,i selected two beads and i used the same procedure i had used

Next step
And finally for the beads,i selected one more bead and i followed the same procedure above

Next step
I was through with it and it was time to fix the hook

I cut the wire, though i didn't measure the length,it was just a guess work.
And i took pencil to bend the wire into earing hooks,with the help of the plier i fixed it firmly in the earing

Thank you so much for going through my post .


This is so nice with a beautiful outcome, I love the combination of colors for the season. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you so much dear friend

Nice creative ideas

Thank you so very much

This is so creative.

Am grateful.thank you.

 4 months ago  

Definitely the red and green give it that special Christmas touch, but the beauty of this jewelry is thanks to your immense talent. Thank you very much for sharing it with us, it is nice to see your creative process through the images.

Am super grateful thank you so much for your kind comments and support.

que bonito, un buen trabajo!

what a nice, nice job!

Elegant and attractive earings
I wasn't expecting so satisfying results

Am so grateful.thank you very much