Mopar No Drill Side Steps - Install and Review (1)

in DIYHub2 months ago

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I'm A Sissy

Yep I'm a sissy. I am also getting old. Scratch that. I am definitely old. I feel it more every single day. The plane has arrived at the destination "old", and is no longer in route. So I did something I said I would never do, I put sissy steps on my 3/4 ton Ram pickup. I have basically driven 3/4 ton pickup trucks since ancient history, back in 1992 when I bought my first f250. Maybe they are making them taller now, but they seem to be a bugger to get into anymore. I mean in 1992, I was a bit younger and it seemed like I would just levitate into the camp and never thought twice about it. Getting in your truck was just something you did just like taking a shower or combing your hair. You just did it, you didn't think about it, it just happened. Lately it seemed getting in the blame truck was more difficult than striking some crazy yoga pose or climbing Mount Everest. After working on my wood pile for half a day, I still feel like I need some hydraulic assist device even with the help of sissy steps LOL!

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Looks like a positive thing about getting old... We become wiser ;) Great upgrade of your truck, my friend! Security first :)
Enjoy your weekend