I always love doing something new to my living space. Feels good, doesn't it?
Good Will is a Good Place.
I have a salt lamp too. I don't know if it does anything good either, but I love it's warm glow.
I always love doing something new to my living space. Feels good, doesn't it?
Good Will is a Good Place.
I have a salt lamp too. I don't know if it does anything good either, but I love it's warm glow.
G'morning @jacey.boldart, growing up, I used to rearrange furniture in rooms just for da halibut, after a while, with just the same pieces, there are only so many things you can do.
It's different here tho, as this is all new in that it is new to me. I didn't rearrange anything THIS time.
These windows on either side of the computer desk face east, so the sunrise is problematic; in Winter with shorter days, I NEED that sunlight to help battle the SADD, but then in Winter, the angle of the sun is such that on the right side, the sun comes through the slats on the blinds until about 10 am.
I've been half assed looking for curtains, and when I found these (4 panels for $9.99) my concern was their length; trying to measure them lying on my bed was difficult, so I wasn't sure if I were going to have to cut them... they just seemed TOO LONG, but once I got up the ladder and held on up there, it was JUST RIGHT!.
I could have (some would say Should Have) put all 4 panels in the two windows as they were meant, but methinks this will serve me better
I had to get up and turn down my lamp once (being a new thing in my dark room) but I think it will be a good counter point to the blue light of the computer screen