Hello, the creative world all artists around the world greetings. Today I am presenting some fun creations that everybody will like and enjoy him/her self to create and play with.
It is a kite. In India, these days, together with Makar Sankranti, the celebration of the kite festival is a tradition in some parts of the country. For a few years here in our village the village cultural community has arranged a kite festival and organized kite contests. I enjoyed many times watching that fun.
This year I wanted to participate myself and started doing some experiments to make kites checking the quality of their flight.
Today I made three simple models and tried flying them on the beach I found the hive model is the best. it took less than 1 hour to make all three models.
Before sharing the process I will share some fun photos on the beach with my DIY kites.
my most successful kite. Best model.
this model was second best
second best kite but maybe best photo
Making Simple Paper Kites:
4A paper.
sewing thread
Red and blue sketch pens/markers
Best/super Kite Model:
Take 1sheet of 4A paper
fold it and find center point A
Cut two strips 30cm in length and 2 cm in width. keep aside these will be the tails.
folding both edges of the paper in center point A mark the points D and E.
glue those 2 tails one each on points D and E
the edge points are B and C make the hole using a toothpick or pin.
take around 1-meter thread insert one end in B hole and make a knot.
repeat the same on hole C
Hold the center point of the thread and fold the paper to meet points B and C.
bring it to the edge of the paper and mark point F
make a knot on the thread where it meets on Point F.
Draw or keep plain paper.
the kite is ready to tie with normal tread or kite string and enjoy making it fly. i believe that having two tails was the key to making this model easy to fly and impressively stable
how to make the 2nd best kite
Taking the double-size 4A paper from the notebook make a center fold.
Mark four points AC and DB. folding in a triangle shape mark center line AB
and bring point D at the center named point E
make point g bringing point D into F and point H bringing point D into G make folds until the last fold H is created.
last point H
Fold the paper upwards to the center line.
after the last fold on line AB, we now have a triangle shape.
Look like this.
Bring points A and B to the center point E
Glue them together
It look like a hat now.
looks like this.
Tie thread where both points are glued.
and draw something according to your choice.
Ready to launch. this model was quite unstable. i believe it would perform far better if the tail had been longer or somehow heavier
my 3rd model did not fly well at all but i include it to show an example of something that did not work
four folds on paper.
make the two folds layer.
fold the top corners. and reopen.it is just for marking.
on the folding mark name A from A to B keep a 3cm margin on both edges of the paper.
make the holes on the B mark using a toothpick.
Tie both sides on Point B using thread.
from Point B measure the thread 10 cm and make a knot where we can tie the normal launching thread.
glued the tail making strips from paper
It is ready but it never really got off the ground. Maybe I will make some variation on this one to try to find out what went wrong.
i made all these kites. i took some of the photos while my husband was flying them and vice versa he took some of the photos while i was flying them. afterwards we enjoyed the sunset on the beach together.
thank you.
What. Lovely kite. Great to see the hive logo on it too. Happy celebrations.
simple fun kites
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