DIY of Banana, honey hair mask

in DIYHub2 years ago

Hello lovelies

Hope we're all doing very well and fine?


According to my trichologiststeaming hair with protein treatment should be on a wash day, which is 2 weeks after the other. I decided to try out another DIY treatment different from the avocado hair mask I posted earlier, if you have not seen or read that the link is here. For now I'm trying out different DIYs of protein treatment to knw which works best for my hair, so I did my research and saw a banana hair mask (even I love to eat banana 🤤, why won't I jump on the idea. Let's just proceed to the main tutorial

Ingredients needed

Bananas (depends on your hair volume)
2 tsp of Honey
1 Tbsp of rice powder


I bought the banana from a woman at a roadside market just to minimize cost


After I've eaten almost half of the banana bunch myself😄😋 I peeled the ones I wanna use for the mask before I finish it


Mash the bananas Using a fork to avoid using more liquid than necessary when processing it, blend to a purrie with a blender and pour out


Add 2 teaspoon of honey into the banana purrie


Add a tablespoon of rice powder into the purrie, then give it a good mix (link for DIY of rice powder


Preferably use an electric hand mixer (I used spoon because I don't have), let it sit for 5-10 minutes then sieve using a cheesecloth to extract the main purrie to avoid unwanted shafts in your hair afterwards


Final result after sieving☝️... Your comments and recommendations are welcome too, thanks

@marylove161 @marajah I feel this will be helpful for your HAIRfidence journey and since I promised to tag you on my next post about hair treatments, here it is

Thanks for reading through my blog, hope it was useful?


This is amazing. I'm sure this hair mask works wonders as the ingredients used are very good ones. But I'm curious tho, what exactly does it do to the hair?.

Yes it does, and it works as a deep conditioning treatment for the hair as such gives the hair the protein it needs to grow healthy and limit scalp problems, hope you understand?

Yes yes, I totally understand. That's actually very nice. I should try it out. Thanks for sharing ✨

It's my pleasure 😊