Elevating home decor : creating a unique wall hanging craft

in DIYHub6 days ago

Greetings to my fellow diyhubers and I welcome you all to my blog, are you looking to add a personal touch to your home decor ? Do you want to truly create something unique and eye catching ? Well look no further cause you are in the right place. Wall hanging decor have become an essential element in home decor, adding a personal touch to any room and making it look more beautiful. Today I am decorating my house and I have thought of adding something to make it more lively and an idea of making this wall hanging decor craft just popped up in my head. Making this wall decor and seeing what I can create with my hands i became more inspired to continue in my journey to creativity and thanks to @diyhub which has given us an enabling and encouraging environment to create such diy projects, I will keep on creating. Now let's dive into how I created this unique wall hanging decor.



• carton
• pink cardboard paper
• white paper
• pencil
• scissors and
• ruler



step 1

Firstly i took my carton and I cut a circular shape from it and keep it aside.


step 2

After doing that, I the cut out long stripes of white paper, and made a design from it.



step 3

After finishing that process, I then brought my circular carton which I kept aside and I began to gum the white design around it.



step 4

After making that part, I then cut out many circles from my pink paper And folded it into a flower design.



step 5

After making that part of the craft, I then continued by adding gum to the pink design and gum it to the craft to make a flower design in the center.


step 6

I then continued with it's structure by adding my white paper design to the center of the craft.


step 7

After finishing with all the necessary attachment, I then made the final step by attaching a handle to the craft so that it can be hung.


Here's a picture of my final result



With these simple steps, you can create a one of a kind wall hanging craft that showcase your personality. Don't be afraid to experiment and make mistakes cause they can lead to unexpected beauty. By embracing my Diy skill and creativity, i have not only enhance my home decor, but also develop a sense of pride and accomplishment


until we meet again

 6 days ago  

Wow! This is so beautiful. It truly added a personal touch to the room. Great job and thanks for sharing.

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Bravo my brother!. I see this paper flower and I think of the time you invested in it, besides, I also see your smile and I know you did it with a lot of enthusiasm, that's what you transmit and that's what I admire about you. Thank you very much for sharing your great creativity on DIYHub 🙏

Thank you for such elevating and uplifting words on my post, I really appreciate you reading through 🤗😁😊