Community Curation Compilation

in DIYHub2 years ago

Community Curation Compilation of the past 6 days

Hey there! This post highlights all the amazing content published into our DIYHUB Community and we have curated over the past 6 days. Community content is our main focus and you will earn a 100% upvote if your post follows our requirements and target niches when you post it into the DIYHUB community!

To receive our full support (100% upvote) and to get included in our next compilation make sure to post your next creations into the DIYHUB Community (no cross-posts included).

One of the entries of this month is a beautiful and very creative moon lamp

The #MOONCONTEST is finished and we are currently voting for the massive list of contest entries. Big thanks to all of you for your participation and to @threespeak for the big sponsorship of this month! made by @gaboamc2393: Thank you @gaboamc2393 for sharing the process of this very creative DIY project in such a great detail! We are looking forward to seeing more by you in our community!


Manejo y Uso Correcto de la Desmalezadora // Handling and Correct Use of the Weed Cutter

ENGLISHfriends of hive and Diyhub community, it is a pleasure to greet you and share with you all t...


DIY automated Moon phase light using ESP8266, LEDs

I have made an automated MOON Phase display using an esp8266 as the brain and using a few LEDs and r...


DIYHUB MONTHLY CONTEST - MOON In Collaboration With 3Speak Eclipse lunar hive y 3speak - lunar hive

▶️ Watch on 3SpeakEnglishGood morning, beautiful Hive family, a blessed morning to all of you, this ...

3d printing

My first 3D printing experience / はじめての3Dプリンティング

​There are 3D printers in the production room of the university I stay at this month. My supervisor ...


Efecto en 3D con Illustrator

Illustrator nos ofrece funciones muy avanzadas, tantas que casi cualquier cosa que imaginemos las po...


Reciclando las piezas de accesorios viejos para hacer una nueva pulsera ⚪♻️//Recycling old accessory parts to make a new bracelet ⚪♻️

Hola queridos amigos de Hive y de esta gran comunidad de DIYHub, espero que se encuentren bien y que...
ESP/ENG:. Beautiful sunflower 🌻 in beads. For my friend who loves them🌻// Hermoso girasol 🌻en mostacillas. Para mi amiga que los ama🌻

Feliz día queridos amigos, esperando se encuentren con mucha salud.Happy day dear friends, hoping yo...

Fabric / Leather

How do do style your sleeve? here is a stylish sleeve creation

Hello beautiful peopleIt's another beautiful day and I'm glad to be here once again to share with yo...
Restauración de muñecas alemanas articuladas - Restoration of articulated German dolls

EnglishGood afternoon, beautiful hive family. This afternoon I am going to show you the step-by-step...

Mixed Materials

Esp-Eng Dulcero payaso 🤡♻️🎊

png_20230220_182550_0000.png día...En mi país estamos disfrutando de las cortas vacaciones de carnav...


[Eng / Esp] Centerpiece, for Baby Shower, Baby in the Moon - Centro de Mesa, para Baby Shower, Bebe en la Luna

Greetings and a hug to everyone in this beautiful community, here I am to participate in this contes...
[ENG-ESP] DIY: MAKING A PUNISHER MASK USING FOAM DAYS OF CARNIVAL. - Celebrando Carnaval, Haciendo una máscara de Punisher con Foami

Hello artisan friends and creators of this great community, I want to greet you and congratulate you...


Wolf howling at the moon. Contest: Moon [Eng/Esp]

▶️ Watch on 3SpeakEnglishGreetings to the entire community.This is my entry to the contest proposed ...


Esp-Eng DIY posataza ♻️

png_20230224_010637_0000.png a todos.Hoy quiero compartir una idea útil sobre todo si trabajas en ca...


String Of Hearts Cloning

Hello Everyone, The string of hearts succulent (ceropegia woodii) has been growing out of control an...


Moon pendant made of paper. [Eng-Spa]

It is a pleasure to participate again in this fantastic contest, this time the theme is the moon, fo...


Orchid Soil Replacement 💮 My Monthly Author Challenge! #22

Greetings, how are you? I'm fine because I feel calm when I'm spending time with my plants. Last Su...


Esp/Eng Beautiful jewelry box, made with a toilet paper tube!

ESPAÑOLHola, que tal, amigos creativos? deseo se encuentren bien junto con los suyos!Es un gusto pa...


ESP/ENG: Cute little bows in white and pink pearls. Ideal to wear on headbands or ponytails // Lindos lacitos en perlas blancas y rosadas. Ideales para llevarlos en diademas o coletas

Home Decor

DIYHUB MONTHLY CONTEST - MOON - "From the other side" - Entry Two - Art by @gaborockstar


DIYHUB MONTHLY CONTEST-MOON . The Voice Of The Moon/ by @elinorrg


Blood moon Personalizing a coffee mug Tutorials [Eng-Esp]

▶️ Watch on 3Speak*I'm the kind of woman that if I want the moon, I'll take it down by myself"*.*Fri...


[ENG- ESP] Tutorial: kitten headband for carnivals

Greetings Dear FriendsSaludos Queridos AmigosHappy and blessed night everyone, I hope you are enjoy...

Mixed Materials

Make a Photo Frame From Wooden Matchsticks Month Contest

entry, I'll be making a photo frame made out of cardboard and wooden matches. Wooden matches are ol...


[ESP- ENG] hermosos Zarcillos en 3 pasos /beautiful tendrils in 3 steps

Saludos Queridos AmigosGreetings Dear Friends Feliz y bendecido día tengan todos mis queridos miemb...

Home Decor

Method of Drying Roses or Flowers🌹 My Monthly Author Challenge! #25

are one of the favorite things for us women. They make us very happy with their fragrance, pleasing ...
MOON decorated candle holder Joining DIYHUB MONTHLY CONTEST - MOON.

This is my first time joining a DIY contest showing off my DIY content that I specially did for this...


Culmination: Bathroom remodel

Notice the vanity has feet making it too tall for meOh my lord what an ordeal, but from ↑This↑ toWas...

Home Decor

Moon contest : DIY HUB Children's Decorative Picture Naughty Moon Concurso de luna: Cuadro decorativo infantil Luna

noches queridos amigos visitantes y participantes de este Gran Concurso que está realizando la Comu...


DIY: Programming tutorials EP05 - Coded Mavis Beacon typing test in Python.

Greetings to all,I hope everyone is having a good day. It’s been a really crazy week day for me as m...


The Crooked Stove

These days have been all about building a rocket stove because the chimney of my Firestove was damag...


A Quick Repairs Of My Son's Sandals To School Using Super Glue

Home Decor

DIY: Lámpara Lunar - Moon Lamp Moon Contest

0.jpg to all, fellow creatives. It's been a while since I've participated in a craft contest. In the...
Moon with 3D Star and Flowers - Paperwork.

Hi,👋 I'm back with a new post where I'll show a origami paper moon with 3d stars and flowers that lo...


Tutorial: Repairing of my Standing fan

Home Decor

Bamboo for wall-mirror Decoration

Hello! dear friends in Hive! It is a long weekend once again, due to the Declaration of our Presiden...


Set of chains and wire tendrils / ENG/ESP

para todos, mis queridos amigos de esta gran comunidad, hoy vengo a compartir con ustedes unos acce...

Home Decor

Photographic light box with 3D floral moon. ESP/ENG

Welcome to my blogBienvenidos a mi blogGreetings creative friends, today I will finally be able to m...

Mixed Materials

Mi entrada al concurso: Luna organizadora porta lapices ** My entry to the contest: Pencil holder moon [ESP - ENG]

Home Decor


*“Action and Determination are two habits you must develop at the forefront of all Success.” – Machi...


Hermoso conejito de arcilla hecha con cartón de huevos y pegamento para mama. // Beautiful clay bunny made with egg carton and glue for mom.

¡¡HOLAA!!Amigos de HIVE espero hayan tenido un día muy productivo y feliz. HELLO!! HIVE friends I ho...


~DIY~ Bench Grinder Attachment For My Work Bench ~DIY

I’ve had this bench grinder floating around the garage for years. It’s never really found it’s plac...


Luna radiante / Móvil decorativo con Cd // Radiant moon / Decorative mobile with CD player

▶️ Watch on 3SpeakHola mi gente creativa e innovadora espero que se encuentren bien rebosante de sal...


Contest: moon-shaped container

Hola. Me gusta las lunas y por eso estoy acá, para participar de este lindo y creativo concurso que ...


DIY Cannabis/Herbal Dry Rack!

What's up everyone! Unfortunately, this post is a little late in being published, but here recently ...


Fairy Moon Light Box DIY

Fabric / Leather

Needlework DIY - Cloth Hair Ban

Friends, Happy Friday everyone.Today I am very happy and happy because of a different family arrange...


DIY: An extension box recycling...

▶️ Watch on 3SpeakHello hive friends! This is actually my first post to this community, and I'm exci...


[Esp/Eng] Concurso Luna: Lunáticamente Espectacular. // Moon Contest: Lunatically Spectacular.

✏️ ¡Hola amigos de Hive! Espero que se encuentren super bien y estén pasando un lindo viernes. El d...


Diy: Ladybug pencil holder made from scrap materials

ENGLISH*Hello creative community and lovers of ingenuity, as someone said, imagination is the highe...
Esp/Eng Beautiful ideas to personalize your pencils!

ESP-ENG DIYHU MONTHLY CONTEST-MOON: Accompanying you wherever you go, lighting your way🌑

amigos creativos!🎨Espero se encuentren muy bien, y que siga teniendo una grandiosa semana llena de ...

Home Decor

Esp/Eng Cotillions for children's parties with princess motifs tutorial !

ESPAÑOLFeliz fin de semana amigos creativos en todo el mundo; bienvenidos a mi blog!Si tienes una r...


Zarcillos florales / Floral Earrings



▶️ Watch on 3SpeakHello, Maker Communities:It is with joy that I am sharing today my entry for Febru...


DIY process on how to reupholst a car seat on your own

Virtual greetings to everyone in this amazing community, how are you all doing, I hope you all are d...


💮Linda pulsera de flores con perlas en alambrismo//Cute bracelet in wire rope, with pearl flowers.💮

Un saludo muy especial esta linda nochecomunidad creativa!!! Algo que me entusiasma mucho estos últi...

Home Decor

DIYHUB MOON CONTEST- Beaded Moon Enhance the Beauty

Friends, Happy Tuesday everyone.Today is our special day, not only us but internationally this day i...


Making a beautiful cactus pendant. [ENG-ESP]

Making a beautiful cactus pendant.Haciendo un hermoso colgante de cactus.Hello friends and lovers o...
[Esp/Eng] Concurso mensual: LUNA │ Casita en forma de luna. // Monthly contest: MOON│ Little house in the shape of the moon.

######✨🌙¡Hola amigos amantes de la creatividad! Espero que hayan pasado un muy buen comienzo de sema...
Recycling A Reminder To smile

▶️ Watch on 3SpeakHello lovely people ✨I present to you another craft I made using thatmeans torecyc...


Moon contest February 2023 - DIY Moon Gifting Set !

Moon , a beauty in itself ! A structure of beauty, calmness and utmost peace . Hello everyone , Toda...


Making Felt Headbands For My Daughter Month Contest

- this entry, I will make a felt headband for my child. Flannel is a soft woven fabric that has vary...


Esp/Eng Beautiful cap-shaped candy box, with batman motif; made with plastic bottle!

ESPAÑOLHola, hola que tal, amigos creativos!Les deseo un feliz jueves a cada uno de ustedes!Quiero ...
Moon Contest: Moon Lamp made of with recyclable materials. [Eng-Esp]

▶️ Watch on 3SpeakPicsart_23-02-24_23-39-28-064.jpg friends of __DIYHub💖__ a greeting to all who mak...

Home Decor

Hermosa Lampara en Forma de Luna/Beautiful Moon Shaped Lamp [ESP][ENG]

Hola hivers bienvenidos nuevamente para hoy les queremos compartir como hicimos esta lampara de luna...


make a heart with paper simple and easy❤️❤️

MOONCONTEST: Composition of the moon in filigree. TUTORIAL

▶️ Watch on 3SpeakHola hola a todos queridos amigos de hive, espero tengan un día lleno de bendicion...


Another Weekend, Another Project: Does Upcycling Really Save You Money?

It seems we are spending every weekend doing something to the house, from painting to organising. We...

Home Decor

DIY: Lapices decorados con Emoji ** DIY: Pencils decorated with Emoji [ESP-ENG]


Building my shed

Well, I say shed, but really it's going to be an external room. When completed, weatherproofed, and ...

Home Decor

Fairy MOONLIGHT LED Shadow Box #mooncontest

Hey everyone! I'm glad to be back here to participate in this month’s contest centering the moon. My...


Crochet Mini Skirt

▶️ Watch on 3SpeakHello Diy community ✨My crocheting journey has been a fun one and I must say that ...


Leaf shaped pendant and earrings set / Juego de zarcillos y dije en forma de hoja


Llavero de corazón / Heart keychain

Mixed Materials

DIYHUB MONTHLY CONTEST - MOON In Collaboration With 3Speak - Hive to the MOON - Art by @yusmi

We discover posts daily in various categories:

  • CREATIVE: coding, self made cosmetic and beauty products, fabric work, yarn work, pottery paper work and art tutorials
  • CRAFTING: 3d printing, electronics, jewelry making, metal and woodwork, upcycling
  • HOME&GARDENING: building, decoration, gardening, homesteading, repairing
Share your Do-It-Yourself projects in the DIYHub community on HIVE with members with the same passion, interests and who will appreciate your work. Let's connect in the community and build strong and long lasting relationships on the HIVE blockchain!

This service is 100% non-profit!

all of our curation rewards are going directly back to the delegators via daily payouts in liquid HIVE! Please support us and the creators we are supporting with your delegation and earn passive income: 100 HP | 200 HP | 500 HP | 1000 HP | 2500 HP | 5000 HP

Next to the usual curation we are also running a witness server on hive.
If you want to support our journey then feel free to vote for our witness!

Oh! you don't have an HIVE account yet? Sign up and start sharing!
You can contact at any time via our discord server:

created by: @afrofat1curated by: @sharminmimcreated by: @arunbiju969curated by: @ashikstdcreated by: @aichelcurated by: @ashikstdcreated by: @akipponncurated by: @sharminmimcreated by: @caracasprincurated by: @ashikstdcreated by: @andreamtovar19curated by: @desrocreated by: @carolycesar15curated by: @desrocreated by: @bimpcycurated by: @semarekhacreated by: @aichelcurated by: @stevenson7created by: @cirangelacurated by: @sharminmimcreated by: @brindyschicurated by: @semarekhacreated by: @fixiecurated by: @ashikstdcreated by: @flquincurated by: @tibfoxcreated by: @cirangelacurated by: @priyanarccreated by: @futuremindcurated by: @ashikstdcreated by: @darwinjjcurated by: @semarekhacreated by: @ipexitocurated by: @ashikstdcreated by: @jerm20curated by: @sharminmimcreated by: @carolycesar15curated by: @semarekhaSaludos y bendiciones querida comunidad de #Diyhup, espero se encuentren bien y cargados de mucha cr...created by: @gaborockstarcurated by: @ashikstd dear community of artistic content creators and others for @diyhub on Hive platafrom. Today I want ...created by: @elinorrgcurated by: @priyanarc▶️ Watch on 3SpeakWelcome to my Tutorial!!❤️Hello. Greetings to this beautifull #diyhub community.It...created by: @chacald.dcymtcurated by: @ashikstdcreated by: @emmariscurated by: @sharminmimcreated by: @honeyflowcurated by: @desrocreated by: @emmariscurated by: @stevenson7created by: @ipexitocurated by: @ashikstdcreated by: @frankevorcurated by: @sharminmimcreated by: @jerrytsuseercurated by: @priyanarccreated by: @elmundodebettycurated by: @semarekhacreated by: @jimah1kcurated by: @ashikstdcreated by: @fenngencurated by: @tibfoxcreated by: @jude9curated by: @sharminmimGreetings Team of @DIYHUB. It has been a couple days I share my handiwork with you. You are therefor...created by: @gaboamc2393curated by: @sharminmimcreated by: @ladychefcurated by: @ashikstdcreated by: @jude9curated by: @ashikstdGreetings @diyhub funs! Again with you, I want to share with you my repair work. For the couple of d...created by: @melit79curated by: @semarekhacreated by: @lauracraftcurated by: @sharminmimcreated by: @lisbethseijascurated by: @sharminmimcreated by: @samuell12curated by: @desro ESPAÑOLSaludos comunidad #diyhub les deseo un feliz sábado, esta es mi entrada para en concurso [Lu...created by: @simplechalynscurated by: @desrocreated by: @mariangiecurated by: @sharminmimcreated by: @splattscurated by: @tibfoxcreated by: @nanyuriscurated by: @semarekhacreated by: @taniagonzalezcurated by: @tibfoxcreated by: @the13anarchistcurated by: @sharminmimcreated by: @truemystiquecurated by: @desro▶️ Watch on 3SpeakThis is my entry for the February DIYHub #mooncontest. I used my Cricut Machine to...created by: @semarekhacurated by: @desrocreated by: @the-leadcurated by: @semarekhacreated by: @vicente99curated by: @desrocreated by: @virgilio07curated by: @sharminmimcreated by: @yessi08curated by: @priyanarc ESPAÑOLHola amigos creativos en todo el mundo, bienvenidos a mi blog!Hoy les traigo un #tutorial, d...created by: @yagelybrcurated by: @desrocreated by: @yessi08curated by: @ashikstdcreated by: @ysamarynordazcurated by: @desro Hello dear #DIYHub community. Working with flexible clay is fascinating for me, with it you can mak...created by: @ylaffittepcurated by: @ashikstdcreated by: @mosesessiencurated by: @semarekhacreated by: @razielmoralescurated by: @ashikstdcreated by: @semarekhacurated by: @sharminmimcreated by: @shirahoshicurated by: @priyanarccreated by: @valenpbacurated by: @semarekhacreated by: @wongicurated by: @semarekhacreated by: @gaurav.artcurated by: @priyanarccreated by: @honeyflowcurated by: @stevenson7created by: @jerm20curated by: @priyanarccreated by: @meivyscurated by: @sharminmimcreated by: @monipk35curated by: @ashikstdcreated by: @nurul-ulicurated by: @stevenson7hello all friends wherever you are, see you again @nurul-uli, and have a nice Sunday for all of you....created by: @pomboadricurated by: @semarekhacreated by: @riverflowscurated by: @ashikstdcreated by: @samuell12curated by: @ashikstd ESPAÑOLSaludos comunidad #diyhub, deseo que tengan un feliz día en unión de sus seres queridos, hoy...created by: @stuartcturnbullcurated by: @desrocreated by: @truemystiquecurated by: @ashikstdcreated by: @wongicurated by: @tibfoxcreated by: @ysamarynordazcurated by: @ashikstd Hello dear #DIYHub community. Today I want to invite you to follow a step by step to make a flexibl...created by: @ysamarynordazcurated by: @ashikstd Hello dear #DIYHub community. Recycling is one of the most beautiful practices we can do, I particu...created by: @yusmicurated by: @stevenson7▶️ Watch on 3Speak dear community of @diyhub, today I am joining the contest of the month of the com...

😊✨Enjoyed participating in the #mooncontest , it was some real fun . Thank you for the opportunity, looking forward to many more participation in your contests .

Thanks for your support

Thanks for your support, I'm here with 2 posts🌸

Thanks for your support


Thanks for the support 🙏

Very grateful for the support💜

Gracias por a todos por el apoyo 👍

Thanks for featuring my posts in the community and your immense support. I hope once you have announced that "the moon contest" has ended, I believe similar one of such interesting contest will drop soon in the community so that we can participate. Always my pleasure working with you!

grateful for the support

Thanks for the support and hosting all this awesome creative content 🙌


Thanks a lot for the support guys. It was my first post in the community and i was very pleased with the reception. Thank you very much

por el apoyo!Gracias @diyhub , @priyanarc y @ashikstd


Thank you very much!

Gracias @diyhub, @priyanarc, y @sharminmim!

Feliz tarde!

You're welcome :)