🎄 Beautiful Homemade Christmas Tree 🎄

in DIYHub3 months ago (edited)

Hello, dear friends! I hope you are well and that this Christmas you had a great time in the company of your family and friends. I hope that Santa Claus has brought you many good things and that this coming year will be full of love, peace and prosperity for your lives.

Today I want to present you the elaboration of a Christmas tree using recyclable materials for the elaboration of the same. I hope you like it!


  • Cardboard
  • Circular base
  • Tripoid
  • Scissors
    -Adhesive tape
  • Silicon
  • Scissors
  • Decorative objects and flowers
  • Lights



I have taken the circular base and in this I have inserted the tripoid, also I took some adhesive tape and with this I took several ribbons that go from the base of the tripoid to the circular base.


Then I formed a cone with the papier-mâché and placed it on top of the tripoid to make the triangular base of the Christmas tree. Then I stapled some ribbons to the base of the papier-mâché and glued them to the circular base with hot glue.


Then you must cut cardboard ribbons, these cardboard ribbons will create the entire lower structure of the Christmas tree, this is achieved by placing ribbons vertically and horizontally.


Then we must glue the garland around the cardboard that forms the structure of our tree.

Here you can see the final result of the finished garlands. Then we add the lights and decorations to our tree as we like.

Thank you very much!

Merry christmas and happy new year !

Hola, queridos amigos! espero que estes bien y que en esta navidad la hayan pasado muy bien en compañía de sus familiares y amigos. Espero que Papa Noel les haya traído muchas cosas buenas y que a la vez este próximo año este lleno de amor, paz y prosperidad para sus vidas.

Hoy quiero presentarles la elaboración de un arbol de navidad utilizando materiales reciclables para la elaboracion del mismo. Espero que les guste!


  • Carton
  • Base circular
  • Tripoide
  • Tijera
    -Cinta adhesiva
  • Silicon
  • Guirnladas
  • Objetos y flores decorativas
  • Luces



He tomado la base circular y en esta he introducido el tripoide, además tome un poco de cinta adesiva y con esta tome varias cintas que van desde la base del tripoide hasta la base circular.


Luego he formado un cono con el cartón piedra y he colocado este en la parte superior del tripoide para lograr hacer la base triangular del árbol de navidad, Luego con algunas cintas he grapado estas a la base del cartón hasta la base circular pegandolas con silicon caliente.


Luego se deben recortar cintas de carton, estas cintas de cartón van a crear toda la estructura baja del árbol de navidad, este se lograr colocando cintas de forma vertical y horizontal.


Luego debemos pegar la guirnalda al rededor de todo el carton que forma la estructura de nuestro arbol.

Aqui pueden apreciar el resultado final del acabo de las guirnaldas. Luego añadimos las luces y las decoraciones a nuestro arbol a nuestro gusto.

Muchas gracias!

Feliz navidad y prospero año nuevo!


  • Las imágenes me pertenecen
  • Traductor: Deelp traslator
  • Edicion: Canva


WOW, this is truly outstanding and one of the best creative craft I have seen. You're really good at what you do and your skills are totally superb, nice job and keep it up

Thank you very much my friend!

Your most welcome

Prepared a nice Christmas tree with great feeling though this Christmas tree looks very beautiful and the lighting sparkles. It took a lot of brain work to make it. All of which are neatly arranged at each step.

Yes I could see the tree you made very nice too! Greetings and thanks for the support

Very cool tree 🌺😋👌👌🎄🎄🎄🎄🎁🎅 And when I see how you did it, is more cool, I'm sure it was also very fun to do , makes mind warm and happy 😋😋🌺🎄🎁🎅 cool post.

thanks for your support! I'm glad you liked it

All time happy to help 👌👌☕😋

 3 months ago  

It's amazing that you pulled of the Christmas with recycled materials. You saved cost and made a lovely tree. Great work

Thank you very much! Diy Hub for all the support and for giving us this space to create! Regards