I've got to say, that I was pretty stoked when @priyanarc invited me to join this community, so thanks so much @priyanarc, I've been dying to find the time to get in here and have a good look.
Not only because it was an invitation- and who doesn't love an invitation...but because it was an invitation to join a community that I am so on the same page as. A community that loves creating and DIYing as much as I do.
Now I don't consider myself to be a particularly good craftswoman, but I do try and I have such great ideas- especially when come to upcycling stuff, it just that my hands fail me when it comes to making the real thing.
And so the real thing always turns out a bit shonky looking, rather than the smooth polished version that I see in my head.
So a few years ago I lived in a house with a backyard and had a little flatbed trolley that I would walk the streets and collect other peoples hard rubbish off the footpath and take it home to upcycle.
Some of it made it into new goods, some of it stayed in my backyard in the original condition until it then became my hard rubbish on the footpath when I moved out of the house.
So a couple of silver hubcaps became new clocks, one for my elderly father and one for my nephew.
I also made a clock out of old blank dvds and cds for my niece too, but can't find the photo unfortunately cause it was the best out of the 3 of them....
Anyway, I hope that you liked my clocks even if they do look very home made!
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And unless otherwise stated- ALL photographs, are all my originals taken by me sometime in the past decade or so somewhere in my travels and as such, ofcourse they are subject to all international IP and copyright laws and I may have already used them for my own commercial purposes here https://www.redbubble.com/people/CHOCOLATESCORPI/shop And here https://fineartamerica.com/art/chocolatescorpi, So please ask first if you want to use any of them as we wouldn't want you getting into trouble. Thank you 😀
If you have made it this far, then you are absolute champions and I thank you so much for reading my blog tonight and I hope that you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️All love and support from you in whatever way is greatly appreciated!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I like your clocks !
Sweet thanks I appreciate that.
I really enjoyed making them. (sort of...) I get frustrated with my fingers when they don't do things properly....🙄
Wow! You blew me away with your creativity. I love homemade stuff and definitely will try out some of these clocks soon.
But wait, where did you get those numbers you pasted on your clocks???
I'll be expecting your kind response.
Cheers to a specifical friend 🤩
Wow, so great that you like them, thanks.
So easy to make too- unless you've got clunky fingers like mine...lol...🤣
Hubcaps from side of the road. Reflective road stickers and the numbers are for letter boxes from a cheap hardware shop.
The actual clocks, are cheap too and I think that I got them from a sewing shop.
So all up, I probably spent about $20AUD to make each one and took me about 30mins to make them (and an hour to fix the mistakes..🙄.)
I made them reflective so you can see them in the dark.
Thanks for joining DIYHUB community :)
Hey thanks for inviting me and having me here! 😀
I look forward to diving in to make more discoveries there.
I really like that second clock, all of them are very cool love home made things, they are always from the heart.
Thank yu yes, the second one was the 2nd attempt, but I still managed to put fingers mark in it every where!
I wish I could find the photo of the one that I made for my niece- 3rd attempt was definitely the best!
And you're right, homemade thing are so much better, cause not only do you realise juts how much thought and effort a person has put into making it, but it will always be an authentic one-of-a-kind....
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